传奇的凯撒沙拉仅仅是偶然的菜。当一群客人意外到达他位于墨西哥蒂华纳的餐厅时,凯撒·卡迪尼(Caesar Cardini)的厨房几乎没有库存。他有鸡蛋。他有帕玛森,柠檬和生菜。他有调味品。因此,Cardini添加了戏剧。他在他们面前准备了沙拉,以便每位客人都可以吸入新鲜压碎的大蒜的香气,听到鸡蛋的裂缝,然后看着帕尔马干酪的细斑点从灰色的人飞来飞去。这是一个简单的沙拉的盛大准备。
调料,食品加工机merely minces the garlic, and a blender creates a dressing the consistency of a milkshake. Mashing the garlic in a mortar and pestle creates a smooth paste that makes the perfect base for this creamy dressing. The good news is that if you don’t have a mortar and pestle, you can still make a similar paste on your cutting board. Mince the garlic very finely and sprinkle it with coarse salt. Then repeatedly drag the flat side of the blade at the knife’s tip across the minced garlic to press into a paste. (If there’s a green sprout in the garlic, be sure to remove it first—it won’t mash well.) With a little diligence, you’ll have a pretty good paste on your hands. Then you can mince the anchovies right on top of the garlic, scrape them both into a bowl, and continue whisking in the rest of the ingredients.
尽管传统上是在该沙拉中使用的整个鸡蛋,但我宁愿只添加一个蛋黄,以获得更多的浓缩丰富度。如果生鸡蛋是您或任何将要吃沙拉的人的安全问题,那么从煮鸡蛋中的蛋黄是安全的替代品。省略蛋黄是另一种选择 - 敷料不会那么丰富,但仍然很美味。