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Guide to Grilled Steak, from A-Z

June/July 2014 Issue


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帕克·乌尔里希(Parke Ulrich)
精心烹饪129, pp.36-42

作为旧金山牛排馆Epic Roasthouse的行政总厨,我知道牛排的一些事情。以下是我的精彩烧烤技巧,再加上芬芳的腌泡汁,烤面包香料,浓郁的草药酱和风味黄油的简便方法,将其变成您最喜欢的东西。

A – Advance planning
At least 1 hour before grilling, and preferably much longer than that, I rub my steaks with olive oil and then season them generously with kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper. Salt is the key here, and it does two things: It draws out moisture, which concentrates flavor, and it begins to break down muscle tissue, making the meat more tender. If you plan to season your steaks more than 1 hour ahead, refrigerate them uncovered and let them come to room temperature before grilling.


B - 屠夫

测试厨房提示:当您寻找一个好的专业屠夫时,请搜索The Butcher’s Guildis a good place to start.Members take an oathto maintain integrity and support local, sustainable farms.使用此地图找到一个member of The Butcher’s Guild in your area.

C – Compound butters

烤条牛排配味道味黄油 纽约条带蓝纹奶酪黄油 Latin-Style Flank Steak with Chipotle Butter
烤条牛排配味道味黄油 纽约条带蓝纹奶酪黄油 Latin-Style Flank Steak with Chipotle Butter


纽约牛排配马提尼黄油 纽约条纹牛排配甜胡椒粉黄油 牛lo尖牛排配咖啡馆巴黎黄油
纽约牛排配马提尼黄油 纽约条纹牛排配甜胡椒粉黄油 牛lo尖牛排配咖啡馆巴黎黄油

D -干式熟牛肉
Tender and full flavored, dry-aged beef is fantastic on the grill. It has less moisture, so it browns beautifully, and the smoke from the grill complements the funky-in-a-good-way flavor of the meat. Only the best grades of beef-ones with evenly distributed fat-are dry-aged, which adds to its allure. You won’t find dry-aged beef in most supermarkets, but you can get it at some butcher shops or by mail order.

测试厨房提示:How to dry-age beef at home

E - 设备
Here are my essentials:

chimney starter烟囱是一种快速,便宜且简便的方式来点燃木炭火。只需用报纸塞入金属缸的底部,在顶部添加木炭,然后点燃纸。热力学完成了其余的工作。准备好煤后,只需将它们倒入烤架中即可。

A good pair of stainless steel tongs is essential for flipping steaks and moving them around on the grill. I’ve pretty much singed off all the hair on my forearms from years of cooking over live fire, but if you want to keep yours, look for tongs with a handle at least 12 inches long.

basting brushFor brushing steaks with marinades, infused oils, and glazes. I’m a little old school and so prefer one with a long wooden handle and natural bristles, but silicone bristles also make sense when working over flames.


Chimney Starter 钳 烤刷
烟囱起动器 不锈钢钳(右) 烤刷

F - 脂肪
Because fat equals flavor, you want steaks with even marbling; this intramuscular fat melts during grilling, naturally basting the meat so that it’s juicy. Notice the marbling in these cuts and click on the links to learn more about them.

搬运工 肋眼牛排 牛肉顶牛
搬运工 Rib eye steak 牛肉顶牛

G - 烧烤气或木炭?


H - 衣架牛排(和其他削减价值)
通常被称为“屠夫的牛排”,因为屠夫会自己保留它,衣架牛排因其风味和温柔而受到珍视。它很快烧烤,最好稀有中等稀有。其他优质牛排包括侧翼,,,,短裙, 和扁铁

烤香料式衣架牛排 Argentine Spice-Rubbed Flank Steak with Salsa Criolla Grilled Skirt Steak with Quick Romesco Sauce
烤香料式衣架牛排 Argentine Spice-Rubbed Flank Steak with Salsa Criolla Grilled Skirt Steak with Quick Romesco Sauce

我 - 间接烧烤


J - 果汁
Though the goal of resting a steak (more on that in a bit), is to allow the juice inside to be redistributed, there’s usually some left behind on the platter or cutting board. Don’t let this savory liquid go to waste! Add it to a sauce or vinaigrette or drizzle it over the steaks, the vegetable side, or grilled bread.

食谱:Adam Perry Lang finishes his弯曲的条纹牛排用牛排果汁制成的简单“木板调味料”。

K - 泡菜

L – Lighter fluid

M - 腌料

更多腌泡汁:查看我们所有的recipes for marinades并阅读伊丽莎白·卡梅尔(Elizabeth Karmel)的有趣文章浸泡!有关更多想法。

香槟腌制的烤肋眼 波旁和红糖腌制牛排 腌制牛排和烤葱
香槟腌制的烤肋眼 波旁和红糖腌制牛排 腌制牛排和烤葱

n - 赤裸
Though I love a good marinade or spice rub on cheaper cuts, I tend to cook my best quality steaks naked. (Not me-the steak!) Well, practically naked; as mentioned earlier, I always season steak with salt and pepper.

o - 油

P - Porterhouse(和其他豪华切割)
搬运工,是最受欢迎,最昂贵的牛肉切割之一,其中包含两个最嫩的切割,即脊肉和短腰带(又名纽约条),由T形骨头分开。这是一块大而浓密的肉,所以邀请一些朋友过来,让搬运工成为晚餐的话题。其他放纵的切割包括ribeye,,,,牛lo, 和tenderloin

烤波特牛排配辣椒酱 Grilled Top Sirloin Rib-Eye Steaks Rubbed with Coffee and Cocoa
烤波特牛排配辣椒酱 Grilled Top Sirloin Rib-Eye Steaks Rubbed with Coffee and Cocoa

Q – Quadrillage
A fancy way to say “those crosshatched grill marks you get on a steak when you lift it off the grate and turn it 90 degrees halfway through searing.” I don’t usually do this for my steaks, but you can. See the纽约条带蓝纹奶酪黄油为一个美丽的例子。

R – Rest


S - 香料摩擦

五质摩擦 Spice-Rubbed Grilled Steaks Tex-Mex擦牛排(或鸡肉)
五质摩擦 Spice-Rubbed Grilled Steaks Tex-Mex擦牛排(或鸡肉)

T - 触摸

Grill Master Video Tip:Poke steaks with your fingerto tell when they’re done

U - 鲜味

衣架牛排配辣味味o 烤牛排和胡椒粉的水疗和黑色小号蘑菇 带大蒜酱汁腌泡汁的搬运工
衣架牛排配辣味味o 烤牛排和胡椒粉的水疗和黑色小号蘑菇 带大蒜酱汁腌泡汁的搬运工

V - 警惕

W – Wood

Grill Master Tip:如何制作自制吸烟者小袋with soaked wood chips and heavy-duty foil.

X – X-ray vision
Determining doneness would be a breeze with X-ray vision, but until there’s an app for that, an instant-read thermometer can let you “see” how the steak is cooked. The temps that follow reflect when you should take the steak off the grill:
For rare:125°F
For medium well (not that I recommend it):140°F
做得好:Well, don’t.

Y - 美味的调味料


Z - Zante葡萄

成分:Learn more about sweet香槟葡萄




  • poppy7usa |2015年6月2日

  • poppy7usa |2015年6月2日

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