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The right cut and a smartly built fire can blaze the way to tender, juicy beef with just a hint of smoke

Photos: Steve Hunter and Sarah Jay
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Ask any chef what he likes to eat on his night off, and I predict that you’ll hear the same response: a steak. Surprised? You shouldn’t be. After working with food all week long, restaurant chefs like myself crave an easy, delicious dinner that we don’t have to deconstruct to enjoy. In the summertime especially, there’s nothing quite as satisfying as a beautiful steak grilled over a hardwood fire. The ritual of building the fire, the aroma of smoke, and the mouthwatering flavor of grilled beef all contribute to the uncomplicated pleasure of this summer tradition.



If you begin with good-quality beef and the right cut, your grilled steaks will shine without any elaborate flavorings or tenderizers. The USDA’s grading system gives you a good way to assess quality: beef that’s labeled “prime” is superior; “choice” is runner-up. “Select” is third —I don’t recommend it for a steak. The grading designations are largely determined by the amount of visible fat that’s streaked throughout the muscle tissue, called marbling. Beef that’s richly marbled gets a higher grade; it’s more tender, juicy, and flavorful because the intramuscular fat melts and bastes the flesh during cooking. Also, since fat insulates, marbling provides some insurance against overcooking. Look for small, evenly distributed specks of fat rather than larger and sparser ones.

For this article, I’ve picked three steaks that I love to grill: rib-eye, porterhouse, and flank (which is flavorful and quite lean, so you won’t see rich marbling). See the chart below for specific grilling information about each cut.

A guide to grilling steaks

Serve steaks plain, or dress them up

Each of these three cuts of beef is delicious grilled and served as is, along with a salad and something like baked potatoes or garlic bread. If you’d like to enhance the meal, try pairing the steaks with the recipe I suggest for each cut: Roquefort butter for thegrilled rib-eye, peppery Ancho chile harissa for the烤波特豪斯,或亚洲五质摩擦和芝麻酱烤侧面牛排.




1. Set one or two hardwood logs (if using them), in the grill, and then pour the charcoal on top. Set up a chimney starter and light the newspaper stuffed in its bottom.
4. The coals at center — glowing red, turning gray, but no longer flaming — are hot and ready for rib-eye or flank. The ash-covered coals in back have cooled to medium hot and are ready for a porterhouse.

我结合了硬木原木和块硬木木炭(不是木炭块状)。木炭提供快速,高温,吸烟木燃烧得更慢,并增加了香气和风味。在硬件和美食商店中寻找天然块木炭。您可以通过大自然自己的Charwood的邮件订购Lump Hardwood木炭和硬木块(www.char-wood.com) in Rhode Island.


The coals should cover an area that’s at least a few inches larger than all the steaks you’ll cook at one time. The grill grate should sit three to four inches above the coals.

要判断火灾何时准备就绪,请查看煤并使用手工测试。当火焰消退和木炭发光,有些灰烬开始出现红色时,火很热,可以用肋眼和侧面牛排。到那时,您应该能够将手握在炉排上方几英寸处,持续一秒钟。此后不久,余烬将被灰烬完全覆盖,这表明他们正在失去热量。这是中等的 - 完美的搬运工。

它很好季节肉香草或香料up to an hour before grilling, but don’t salt them until the last minute. Salt draws out moisture and will dry out the steaks if added too soon. Before putting the steaks on the fire, bring them to room temperature and rub oil on the grill grate.

Flip once and avoid flare-ups


Over a hot grill, the steaks will cook quickly, going from very soft (very rare) to somewhat soft with a bit of a spring (medium) to quite firm (well done). Get in the habit of touching the steaks often and cutting into them when you think they’re done, erring on the side of undercooking since you can always cook the steaks longer, if necessary. The steaks will continue to cook a few more degrees once they’re off the heat. And after grilling a few steaks, you’ll know what medium rare feels like without having to double-check by cutting into the meat. One more hint: when drops of red juices appear on the surface of a rib-eye or porterhouse steak (but not flank steak), the meat is medium. So if you see those juices and you wanted medium rare or rare, you’ve missed your chance.

Flare-ups happen.When they do, slide the steak to another part of the grill.





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