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Spring in a Glass

Aromatic white wines from France’s Vouvray region are a perfect match for spring cooking.

Fine Cooking Issue 116
Photos: Scott Phillips
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Vouvray, the picturesque french wine region on the northern bank of the Loire River, is known the world-over for its elegant, eponymous white wines made from Chenin Blanc grapes. The wines’ aromas are incredible, evoking blooming orchards alongside stony brooks, with notes of acacia flowers, citrus, and ripe apricots, balanced by high acidity and a long mineral finish.



The Vouvray region’s excellent track record with Chenin Blanc is due in part to塔菲, the porous, chalky limestone that dominates the terroir of the Loire Valley, and from which the area’s fairy tale castles are built. With regard to viticulture, tuffeau beneficially retains water, encourages vines to dig deep into the earth, and imbues grapes with signature mineral undertones.

Vouvray的质量完全取决于用于制造它的Chenin Blanc的质量。这些葡萄酒是在葡萄园制作的,而不是酒窖。有些人甚至称它们为“裸”葡萄酒,因为葡萄被采摘后几乎没有操纵。难怪该地区最好的酿酒师是其最谨慎和专心的农民。

Look for quality producers and vintages

A giant chasm exists between the style and character of high-quality and commercial Vouvrays. High-quality Vouvray is an essay in clarity, complexity, and liveliness; commercial Vouvray often tastes like confectioners’ sugar stirred into old apple juice. So be sure to look for winemakers who consistently produce outstanding Vouvrays, such as Huet, Foreau, Champalou, Domaine des Aubuisières, Domaine de la Taille aux Loups, and Chidaine.

Vintage also matters when buying Vouvray because the wines are so dependent on the quality and character of the Chenin Blanc harvest. Over the past decade, the 2002, 2005, and 2010 vintages were the best, followed closely in quality by the 2003, 2006, and 2009 vintages. Look for Vouvray bottled during any of those years and you won’t be disappointed.

Vouvray can be sparkling, dry, or sweet

虽然所有vouvrays都是由100%Chenin Blanc制成的,但葡萄酒绝非同质。它们具有多种风格:火花(pétillant), dry (sec),休假(demisec), 甜美 (moelleux). With so many different options coming from the same grape, you could easily prepare a four-course meal and offer a different and distinctive Vouvray with each item on the menu.

Sparkling Vouvrays are the ideal apéritif. Produced in the same manner as Champagne, they have gentle bubbles that go well with briny oysters, creamy deviled eggs, and most hors d’oeuvres.

“ sec” vouvrays是干的,几乎是白垩,柠檬,木瓜和蜂蜜。这些葡萄酒非常适合第一菜或较轻的饭菜,例如山羊奶酪沙拉或烤溪鳟鱼。

“ Demi-Sec” vouvrays确实令人着迷。这些淡干的葡萄酒具有更深,更浓缩的杏仁和松露的口味,通常有一点残留的糖,这给它们留下了略带甜蜜的印象。他们令人信服的甜味和咸味的平衡实际上是乞求具有相似复杂性和深度的鲜味富裕的食物,例如带有奶油和fines herbes, and roasted veal loin.

Sweet “moelleux” Vouvrays are made with ripe grapes affected by the botrytis fungus (also known as noble rot), which causes the grapes to shrivel, thereby concentrating their flavors and sugars. Like Sauternes, another iconic dessert wine, these Vouvrays are a perfect match for rich cheeses and creamor fruit-based desserts because the wines’ earthy sweetness and acidity complements and brightens rich, sugary foods.

Drink it now, or later






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