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Using Pastas in Soup


Photos, except where noted: Grey Crawford
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By choosing pasta that’s the right size for the thickness of the finished soup, by cutting ingredients about the same size as the pasta, and by adding the pasta when the soup is just about done, pasta will stay firm and delicious in soup, adding heft and texture to the finished dish.

The lighter the soup, the smaller the pasta

Although there are no strict rules, a good guideline is that the clearer the soup broth and the fewer the ingredients in the soup, the smaller the pasta shape should be. The exception here is stuffed pasta, which is best shown off in simple broths. Because the pasta actually cooks in the broth, it’s a good idea to start with extra broth. Alternatively, if you’re anxious about losing precious broth, cook the pasta separately and add it right before serving.

小面食,例如Stelline,Acini di Pepe,Orzo和Tubettini,are best for brothy soups where the ingredients are diced small, as in theMinestra di Pasta E Piselli。这些小面食继续吸收液体,因为锅坐在炉子上,因此一旦煮意大利面,就必须立即提供汤。如果您不想立即食用,请关闭热量,然后添加意大利面。关于小汤意大利面的另一件事:它们在汤中大量扩展,因此您将使用的意大利面比您想象的要少一些。因为汤面食很小,很密集,并且喜欢养活所有的汤,所以遵循从食谱开始的杯子测量而不是盯着数量,例如使用盒子,例如使用四分之一的盒子是有意义的。

稍大的意大利面,例如Ditalini,通心粉和Tubetti,适合较重的汤,例如荷兰豆意面。Bigger pasta soaks up broth readily, too, but not quite as quickly as tiny soup pasta does.

Stuffed pastas, such as ravioli or tortellini,are more delicate and apt to break apart, so they’re best in brothy soups that aren’t chock full of competing ingredients that might poke or tear them. Dice the ingredients to about the same size as the pasta you’re using. Again, this isn’t a hard and fast rule, but I think that each spoonful of soup is most pleasing when all the constituents are about the same size.


Cut ingredients to about the same size as the pasta for a pleasing spoonful of soup.
Time the addition of the pasta so it will be cooked to al dente just as the other ingredients have finished cooking.Martha Homberg
Cook delicate filled pasta like tortellini separately and then add it to the finished soup.



在添加意大利面之前,请确保汤几乎完成了。Everything else in the soup should finish cooking in about the same short time that the pasta needs to cook. The best way to check is by tasting. If there are beans in the broth, be sure that they’re almost completely tender before adding the pasta. Then, once the pasta is cooked, take the soup off the heat and serve it right away.

When freezing the soup to eat another time, cook the pasta only halfway.Or, omit the pasta until you’re ready to reheat the soup, which you should do gently to cook the pasta. These recipes are already quite flavorful, so if you need to thin the soup, just add a little water until it’s the consistency you like.

我喜欢为大多数汤制作自己的汤(包括这些汤,汤完全玩耍),准备一批双批chicken-beef broth并冻结一些供将来使用。如果您周围没有任何自制汤,那么College Inn低钠罐头汤将获得不错的成绩。


Wine with soup? Look out: many chefs and wine experts give the combo a big thumbs-down. But it’s mainly just a potential texture problem: liquid against liquid is boring (try it: both the broth and the wine vanish down your throat). There’s no problem with flavors, though: as long as the soup is based on wine-friendly ingredients (no vinegary tang, hot spice, fruit, nor anything sweet), wine and soup can taste great together.

The chunkier the soup, the more wine-friendly it becomes. These satisfying recipes, with plenty of meat, veggies, and pasta, make truly splendid partners for wine. Explore some medium-weight Italian reds and their domestic Cal-Ital counterparts—they’re the wines these dishes grew up with.

无需最大限度地使用您的信用卡:您会发现很多$ 12或更少的优质价值。寻找来自Piemonte的Michele Chiarlo的Barbera d'Asti;Ruffino Aziano,Gabbiano Chianti Classico,Banfi Centine或Antinori Santa Cristina,都是托斯卡纳的。尝试Vestini Marche Sangiovese或Zonin Montepulciano d'Abruzzo。来自加利福尼亚,尝试来自Montevina或Louis M. Martini的水果味的巴贝拉,或者花更多的钱为来自纳帕的Atlas Peak Sangiovese(由意大利酿酒师Antinori部分拥有)。

Rosina Tinari Wilson





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