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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)


确保汤很热,以便将碗中的成分加热,并与凉爽,光滑的鳄梨块形成鲜明对比。香料水平非常低 - 只是辣椒的温暖,因此,如果您更喜欢踢更多的踢,请添加更多的辣椒粉或使用更热的粉末。此食谱很容易加倍。


  • 1汤匙。蔬菜或橄榄油,再加上1/2至1杯,以油炸玉米饼
  • 1/4 cup finely chopped onion (from about 1/2 small onion)
  • 1汤匙。辣椒粉;品尝更多
  • 1汤匙。番茄酱
  • 2个无皮肤的鸡大腿(骨头或无骨)
  • 盐调味
  • 4杯自制或低盐罐头鸡肉汤(我使用太平洋品牌)
  • 新鲜的香菜:汤六个2英寸的茎,加上1/4杯大致切碎的叶子
  • 4个新鲜的玉米饼,穿过6英寸,切成1/4英寸宽的条
  • 1/2杯玉米粒(罐装很好)
  • 1/2 cup canned black beans, rinsed and drained
  • 3/4杯切成丁的新鲜番茄


  • 1个成熟的鳄梨,切成丁和扔酸橙汁
  • 1/4杯皱巴巴的Queso壁画,羊乳酪或意大利乳清干酪萨拉塔
  • 2粉酸奶油
  • 石灰楔


  • 卡路里(KCAL):670
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):320
  • 脂肪(g):35
  • Saturated Fat (g): 8
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):9
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 15
  • Cholesterol (mg): 75
  • 钠(MG):1140
  • Carbohydrates (g): 61
  • 纤维(G):15
  • 蛋白质(G):34


  • Put 1 Tbs. of the oil in a large saucepan or small soup pot, add the onion, and cook over medium heat until the onion has softened but not browned, about 3 minutes. Add the chili powder and tomato paste and stir with a wooden spoon to mix and cook briefly; take care not to let the chili powder scorch.
  • 鸡大腿轻轻用盐和nestle them in the chile paste, turning them once so they’re entirely coated. Pour in about 1/2 cup of the broth and adjust the heat to a simmer. Cover the pan and cook the chicken, turning once, until it’s extremely tender when pierced with a knife, 30 to 40 minutes (add a little more broth if the pan is drying out). When the chicken’s done, remove it from the pan, let it cool a bit, and cut or shred it into bite-size pieces, discarding any bones and bits of fat or gristle; set aside.
  • 如果锅中有任何可见的油脂,请将其倒出,加入剩余的肉汤和香菜茎和小火煮,直到肉汤减少了约三分之一,并且相当美味,20至30分钟。
  • While the broth is reducing, fry the tortillas: Linke a plate with two layers of paper towels. Fill a small, high-sided saucepan with enough oil to come to about a 1-inch depth. Heat the oil over medium heat; when it reaches 375°F or when a strip of tortilla sizzles immediately when dipped in the oil, add six to eight strips of tortilla. With tongs or a long fork, “scrunch” them for a second or two so they take on a wavy shape. Fry until the strips aren’t bubbling much and have become golden brown, about 1 minute. Transfer to the paper towels. Repeat with the remaining strips.
  • 将切碎的鸡肉,玉米,黑豆,番茄和玉米饼分开,在两个大汤或面食碗之间。如有必要,将肉汤重新加热,以便将其吹入,然后将其倒在碗中的成分上。立即食用,让每个食客在桌子上加入鳄梨,奶酪,酸奶油,切碎的香菜和大量的酸橙汁。

肋眼版本:Instead of the chicken thighs, use an 8-oz. rib-eye or other tender cut of beef. Trim all the fat and silverskin and cut the meat into bite-size strips, slightly more than 1/4-inch thick. Toss the steak with a little salt. Start the recipe by heating the 1-Tbs. oil until quite hot, add the steak, and stir-fry it to brown the outside. The meat will cook more in the broth, but if you like your meat medium or well done, continue cooking it a few more minutes at this point. Remove the meat from the pan and reserve. Continue with the recipe above, skipping the chicken, of course.




  • 1newskibum|01/26/2020


  • Indyroma|2018年4月4日




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