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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)

服务:eight to ten.



  • 6 oz. (1-1/3 cups) unbleached all-purpose flour; more for rolling out the crust
  • 1茶匙砂糖
  • 1/4茶匙。加上1/8茶匙。犹太盐
  • 2盎司。(4 tbs。)冷藏的无盐黄油,切成1/2英寸的碎片
  • 2盎司。(4汤匙)蔬菜缩短,冷藏并切成1/2英寸的碎片(在切割之前将其放在冰箱中15分钟)


  • 3 oz. unsweetened chocolate, coarsely chopped
  • 2盎司。(4 Tbs.) unsalted butter
  • 4个大鸡蛋
  • 1杯浅玉米糖浆
  • 1cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4茶匙。犹太盐
  • 2汤匙。即时意式浓缩咖啡(或速溶咖啡)
  • 2汤匙。咖啡利口酒(Kahlúa或CafféLolita)
  • 2杯轻轻烤,切碎的山核桃
  • 大约1/2杯完美的山核桃一半


  • 营养样本量基于十份
  • Calories (kcal) : 650
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):380
  • 脂肪(g):42
  • Saturated Fat (g): 12
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):8
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 18
  • 胆固醇(MG):110
  • 钠(MG):120
  • Carbohydrates (g): 66
  • 纤维(G):5
  • Protein (g): 8


Make the crust:

  • Pulse the flour, sugar, and salt in a food processor just to blend. Add the butter and shortening and pulse several times until the mixture resembles coarse cornmeal, 8 to 10 pulses. Transfer the mixture to a medium bowl. Tossing and stirring quickly with a fork, gradually add enough cold water (2 to 4 Tbs.) that the dough just begins to come together. It should clump together easily if lightly squeezed but not feel wet or sticky. With your hands, gather the dough and form it into a ball. Flatten the ball into a disk and wrap it in plastic. Chill the dough for 2 hours or up to 2 days before rolling. The dough can also be frozen for up to 2 months; thaw it overnight in the refrigerator before using.
  • Remove the dough from the refrigerator and let it sit at room temperature until pliable, 10 to 15 minutes. On a lightly floured surface with a lightly floured rolling pin, roll the dough into a 1/8-inch-thick, 13-inch-diameter round. Be sure to pick up the dough several times and rotate it, reflouring the surface lightly to prevent sticking. I use a giant spatula or the bottom of a removable-bottom tart pan to move the dough around. Transfer the dough to a 9-inch Pyrex pie pan and trim the edges so there’s a 1/2-inch overhang. Fold the overhang underneath itself to create a raised edge and then decoratively crimp or flute the edge. (Save the scraps for patching the shell later, if necessary). Chill until the dough firms up, at least 45 minutes in the refrigerator or 20 minutes in the freezer.
  • 将架子放在烤箱的中心,然后将烤箱加热至350°F。用羊皮纸将馅饼外壳排成一列,并填充干豆子或馅饼重量。烘烤直到地壳的边缘为25至30分钟的浅金黄色。小心地取出羊皮纸和豆类或重物。如有必要,用多余的面团涂片轻轻修理任何裂缝。将外壳转移到架子上以冷却。


  • 将巧克力和黄油融化在微波炉中,或在几乎没有煮水的煎锅中的小金属碗中,用橡胶刮刀搅拌直至光滑。
  • 在一个中等混合碗中,搅拌鸡蛋,玉米糖浆,糖和盐。将即时意式浓缩咖啡溶解在1汤匙中。热水,加入鸡蛋混合物,以及咖啡利口酒以及融化的巧克力和黄油。搅拌搅拌。
  • Evenly spread the toasted pecan pieces in the pie shell. To form a decorative border, arrange the pecan halves around the perimeter of the pie shell, on top of the pecan pieces, keeping the points of the pecans facing in and the backs just touching the crust. Carefully pour the filling over the pecans until the shell is three-quarters full. Pour the remaining filling into a liquid measuring cup or small pitcher. Transfer the pie to the oven and pour in the remaining filling. (The pecans will rise to the top as the pie bakes.)

  • 烘烤馅饼,直到馅料吹来,只是开始破裂,显得相当设定为45至55分钟。将其转移到架子上,并在食用前完全冷却(至少4个小时)。







  • pastatx|01/19/2020


  • BigPoonah|11/25/2013

    添加我的投票 - 我不是传统山核桃派的爱好者。然而,这是出色的,浓缩咖啡削减了甜味的强度,并与巧克力结婚,以使您的味蕾摆脱了风味的强度。我将这种冷和切成薄片的切成薄片,再加上另一张咖啡因 - 浓缩咖啡爱好者,抬头!

  • Becca38|11/23/2010

    This was so beautiful and tasty,it's become a thanksgiving tradition in my family! I never much cared for regular pecan pie but this is heavenly.

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