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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)




  • 16-1/2盎司。(3-2/3杯)通用面粉
  • 1/4盎司。包装快速酵母
  • 1/3杯砂糖
  • 1tsp. table salt
  • 1杯半半
  • 3盎司。(6汤匙)无盐黄油,切成6块;锅的更多
  • 3个大蛋黄
  • 1盎司。(2汤匙)无盐黄油,融化



  • 在立式搅拌机的碗中,搅拌面粉,酵母,糖和盐。
  • Poppyseed variation:If making this variation, add 1 Tbs. poppyseeds to the flour mixture now.
  • Fit the mixer with the dough hook. In a small saucepan over medium heat, heat the half-and-half and the 3 oz. of butter, stirring constantly, until the butter melts and the liquid registers about 120°F on an instant-read thermometer. With the mixer on medium low, pour the warm milk mixture into the dry ingredients. Add the yolks. Mix on medium low until the flour is completely incorporated, 1 to 2 min.
  • Cheddar & Black Pepper variation:如果进行这种变化,请添加5盎司。(大约2杯松散挤满了)细碎的额外碎片切达干酪和2茶匙。现在要粗糙的黑胡椒粉。
  • Increase the speed to medium high and knead until the dough is very smooth and elastic and pulls away from the bottom of the bowl (a little will stick to the sides), about 5 minutes.
  • Herb variation:If making this variation, add about 3/4 cup chopped fresh herbs (try 1/2 cup flat-leaf parsley, 1/4 cup chives, and 1 tsp. thyme) now.
  • If the dough climbs up the hook, stop the mixer and scrape the dough back into the bowl. Repeat as needed. Also, the mixer might dance around on the counter, so hold on to it.
  • No mixer? It’s easy by hand:在一个大碗里,加入面粉、酵母、糖、一个d salt. In a small saucepan, heat the half-and-half and the 3 oz. of butter, stirring constantly, until the butter melts and the liquid registers about 120°F on an instant-read thermometer. Make a well in the dry ingredients and pour the warm milk mixture into it. Beat the egg yolks just to combine; add them to the bowl. Mix with a wooden spoon until the flour is completely incorporated. When the dough becomes difficult to stir with a spoon, use one hand to anchor the bowl and knead with the other by pushing the dough with the heel of your hand, lifting it up, and folding it over. Knead in the bowl until the dough is no longer sticky and then turn it onto the countertop. (There’s no need to flour the counter unless you’re making the herb variation.) Continue kneading until the dough is smooth, supple, and elastic, 8 to 10 min. (Add the variation ingredients at the intervals indicated above.)

Let the dough rise:

  • 刮擦碗,将面团sc起,然后将其塑造成球。轻轻在同一个碗(或另一个大的碗)的侧面上油脂,然后将面团放入其中。用塑料牢固地盖上顶部。让覆盖的面团在温暖的位置上升,直到尺寸几乎翻了一番,45至55分钟。

Portion the dough:

  • 将面团转到干净的表面上,然后轻轻按下以放气。无需面粉台面或您的手(除非您进行草药的变化,在这种情况下,面团可能会粘)。用糕点切割机或厨师的刀,将面团分成约16个相等的碎片,2至2-1/3盎司。每个。为了确保滚动,请使用刻度来称量部分。用黄油轻轻润滑9×13英寸的Pyrex烤盘。

Shape the rolls:

  • 一次与一块面团一起工作;用塑料或潮湿的毛巾覆盖其他。无需面粉(除非您进行草药的变化)。将一块面团放在柜台上。用杯子手掌轻轻但牢固地向下压下,将碎片在工作表面上紧紧地滚动,直到形成平滑皮肤的球,底部有接缝。将球,接缝侧向下,放入涂有油脂的烤盘中,用塑料松散覆盖,然后用剩余的面团重复。(The dough balls can be arranged in rows or placed randomly; just be sure they’re even.) Cover the baking dish with plastic and let the balls rise in a warm spot until they’re about one and a half times their original size and have risen about three-quarters of the way up the pan rim (they won’t yet fill the pan). This will take 40 to 60 minutes, depending on the temperature of your kitchen. Meanwhile, heat the oven to 375°F.
  • Poppyseed variation:如果进行这种变化,请在1茶匙上撒上。现在。


  • Remove the plastic wrap and bake the rolls until they’re puffed and well browned, 20 to 25 min. Remove from the oven and brush the tops with the melted butter, if you like. Serve warm.

Make Ahead Tips




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