Cocodrie| 07/12/2013
当地一家杂货店出售龙虾,每磅4.99美元,他们还免费蒸龙虾。还有什么比这更容易的呢?今年夏天天气又热又湿,真是做龙虾卷的好时机!我给了我丈夫几本龙虾卷(Lori Longbotham)的食谱,还有这一款——新英格兰龙虾卷的食谱。他选择了这个,因为他喜欢第戎芥末和塔巴斯科辣酱在蛋黄酱里的想法。按照食谱,用水稀释蛋黄酱,让酱汁变得松软。它一点也不水。虽然我确实住在新英格兰,但我出生在纽约州的五指湖区,和许多新英格兰人一样,我对龙虾卷的制作方法没有相同的看法。我用了大葱和芹菜(不是黄瓜)。龙蒿是从我的花园里长出来的。 None of these flavors dominated, and the delicate lobster flavor came through beautifully. We have had the very simple Maine version of lobster rolls, and, honestly, we thought these were better - just fabulous! Do yourself a favor and give this recipe a try. I don't think you'll be disappointed.