将架子放在烤箱的中间,然后将烤箱加热至350°F。轻轻涂一个9英寸的蛋糕锅,然后用羊皮纸在底部排成一列。将面粉,玉米淀粉和2汤匙筛选在一起。糖。将鸡蛋和蛋黄打碎到电动搅拌机的碗中。以中等速度鞭打,加入柠檬汁,盐和剩余的6汤匙。糖。将速度提高到高,鞭打,直到鸡蛋非常蓬松,至少在体积上增加了两倍,并形成3至4分钟的软峰。从搅拌机上取下碗。将面粉混合物在鸡蛋上筛选三个单独的添加剂,每次都会轻轻搅拌。 Put the melted butter in a small bowl, add a dollop of the batter, and stir gently. Add this to the mixing bowl, folding gently with a spatula to incorporate. Scrape the batter into the prepared pan. Bake until dark golden and springy when touched, about 40 minutes. Cool the cake in the pan on a rack.