蔬菜烤15分钟后,加入2茶匙。盐和饺子放入沸水中;把意大利面煮软。留一些水倒进两个浅汤碗里加热。用滤锅把饺子沥干水分。在一个小炖锅中,加热剩余的1tb。中火加油。放入青葱;Sauté直到变软并变成棕色,大约2-1/2分钟。拌入辣椒片,加入鸡汤。 Bring to a simmer, cover, and simmer for 4 to 5 minutes. Turn off the heat and keep covered. Pour the water out of the soup bowls. Divide the tortellini between the warmed bowls. Spoon the roasted vegetables over the pasta. Pour the broth over the vegetables and garnish with the Parmigiano and parsley. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Serve with a lemon wedge.