在烤箱中间放一个架子,把烤箱加热到425华氏度。将植物油倒入一个大型的防火烤盘。将火鸡胴体切成3或4块,连同洋葱、芹菜和胡萝卜一起放入烤盘。烤30分钟,搅拌两到三次,以确保均匀褐变。将火鸡和蔬菜转移到一个大汤锅中。倒出并丢弃烤盘上的脂肪,将烤盘置于中火上,加入白兰地。用木勺搅拌,从锅底刮出所有棕色的碎屑。当混合物冒泡时,将滴入汤锅。向锅中加入姜、月桂叶、百里香和花椒。加入大约12杯冷水(或足够几乎覆盖火鸡块)。小火慢炖,撇去浮在上面的泡沫,然后把火调小火慢炖。 Simmer for 2 hours (if you used more than 12 cups water, you may need to boil it down a bit further for flavor). Strain into a large bowl, cool, and refrigerate overnight. The next day, skim the fat from the top of the stock and then portion it as you like.