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Why adding a stock made from cheese “scraps” to risotto, braises, and more is an easy, economical way to boost flavor.

February/March 2017 Issue
Photos: Scott Phillips
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Almost everything I know about cooking came from working at small farm restaurants throughout Italy. Each of the restaurants differed greatly—some were mom-and-pop places while others offered a more formal white-linen tablecloth experience—but all shared the belief of not wasting food. As an Italian saying goes: “The only part of the pig that is not used is its squeal.”

When my husband and I opened our own restaurant six years ago in Connecticut, we carried this philosophy with us. That’s why when we had copious amounts of cheese rinds left over thanks to a popular salad featuring shaved Parmigiano-Reggiano, we decided to do like they do in Italy and make a stock out of the rinds.

I had already been in the habit of using leftover cheese rind, tucking it into a pot of minestrone to add savory flavor, but making a full-on broth is a great way to use up even more rind. After all, aside from the flavor from the bit of cheese that’s still attached to the rind, the rind itself, which is formed as the result of a weeks’ long bath in a sea-salt brine, imbues the broth with a full savory flavor.

Making such a broth couldn’t be easier: Yousimply simmer the rinds in water。我也喜欢加入一点新鲜的百里香,黑胡椒和月桂叶,但这足以使所产生的薄汤汤仍然几乎完全散发出奶酪。我本身并不是汤的忠实拥护者(尽管有些是),但我喜欢它如何为菜肴增添鲜味和深度南瓜烩饭,along with some of my other favorite dishes that benefit from the broth, likebraised chicken,pasta, 和


Luckily, you don’t have to invest in a huge wheel of cheese to make this broth. For食谱您的全部收益率(约4夸脱),您需要一磅的果皮,但是您也可以使用更少的果皮制成较小的肉汤。许多杂货店和奶酪商店以便宜的价格出售皮林。您有时会发现它们包裹在奶酪附近,但您可能需要在柜台上向某人询问有关它们的问题。否则,只需在用完奶酪时收集奶酪果皮即可。将它们冻结,在您不知不觉中,您将有足够的汤料制作一批肉汤。如果您对此太不耐烦,则可以使用大量奶酪制作肉汤。这样做不是节俭的,但仍然很美味。




  • 引导|2018年9月28日

    When I found that a local restaurant was throwing out the rind for the wheel of Parmesan on their salad bar, I asked if I could have it. Looks like I have enough rind to keep me in broth for quite a while! I am looking forward to lots of good soup this winter.

  • jodiegraham | 07/10/2018

    Wow, I first tried cheese rind broth after reading this article and it totally changed my views on delicious food

  • yyz_53 |2018年4月1日

    I dice all my parmesan rinds about 1/4 inch or less and store in the refrigerator. These are used to flavor a nice Turkey Sausage & Kale soup I make.

    GARLICKY LENTIL SOUP with Kale and Sausage
    8 large garlic cloves
    1 large onion diced
    5 cups chicken broth
    1 tablespoon chopped fresh thyme leaves
    ½ tbsp. rosemary
    2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leafed parsley leaves
    1 1/2至2茶匙盐
    ½ bag chopped kale
    1 lb hot turkey sausages
    3 tbsp chopped sun dried tomatoes
    3 tbsp parmesan rind cubes

    extra-virgin olive oil to taste
    red-wine vinegar to taste
    Saute onion and sausages in a bit of olive oil. Remove cooked sausages and slice into ½ inch rounds, reserve.
    Serve soup drizzled with oil and vinegar.

  • FineGranma | 10/10/2017

    Am delighted to find this recipe for Rind Broth" Have some rinds waiting to become this very special broth. Thanks so much!!

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