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Fine Cooking Issue 48
Photos: Scott Phillips
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There’s no better way to cook mussels and clams than steaming, and the reason is simple. When these shellfish cook, they release flavorful juices. If you steam them with a small amount of liquid, like wine, the juices drip down to the bottom of the pot and combine with the steaming liquid to become a shellfish broth with incredible flavor. The resulting dish—shellfish served in its own broth—is so tasty and easy to prepare that the hardest thing about it for most people is finding good, fresh shellfish.



蒸笼,小块和樱桃石是蒸的最佳蛤s。There are two basic types of clams to choose from: soft and hard. Soft-shell clams—a misnomer because their shells aren’t soft at all—have a small necklike siphon sticking out between their shells. They’re also known as steamers. Because of their siphons, softshell clams can’t close all the way, so to check for freshness, touch the siphon; it should pull in slightly.

The most widely available hard-shell clams are Atlantic clams, also known as quahogs (pronounced koh-hogs). The smallest quahogs are called littlenecks. Even though they’re the smallest, they’re also the most expensive because they have the sweetest flavor and are very tender. Medium-size quahogs are known as cherrystones, and the largest quahogs are called chowder clams. As with mussels, look for hard-shell clams that are firmly shut and have a clean sea scent.

When you get your mussels or hard-shell clams home, let them breathe.如果他们进一个(他们被塑料窒息),将它们放在碗中,用湿毛巾盖住,然后将它们存放在冰箱中,将它们从袋子中取出。尽管最好将它们尽可能地煮熟,但它们最多可以保留两天。无论您做什么,都不要将它们浸泡在水中 - fresh水会杀死它们并浸出它们的味道。


Shortly before you’re ready to start steaming, scrub the mussels or clams with a stiff brush under cold running water to get rid of the grit that otherwise will end up in your sauce. If the mussels have big “beards”—black hairlike fibers that enable them to cling to things—use your thumb and forefinger to yank them off.

蒸之前消除任何死蛤或贻贝because a bad one can ruin the whole batch. Look for any mussels that have opened and tap them on the kitchen counter. If they don’t close, discard them. For closed mussels, press on the sides of the two shells in opposing directions. Dead mussels will fall apart.

Clams should all still be firmly shut. If some have started to open, give them a tap. If they don’t snap shut relatively quickly, throw them away.


5分钟后,摇动锅以重新分配贝类。再过2分钟后,贻贝(蛤lam 7分钟),检查大多数贝壳是否已打开。如果没有,请继续蒸直到他们这样做。


法国人对贻贝很生气,已经在著名且易于准备的菜肴中蒸了多年moules à la marinière—mussels steamed with white wine, shallots, and parsley. Clams are also marvelous when given theMarinièretreatment.

The technique is ridiculously simple. All you have to do is concoct a flavorful steaming liquid out of wine,


完成后moules à la marinière,您可以在很少的努力中发明变化。加入大蒜,西红柿,藏红花,生姜,浸泡和变软的干辣椒,咖喱粉(用小黄油煮30秒以释放其味道)或新鲜草药,例如龙龙,花香,香菜,巴斯勒或玛乔拉姆 - 单独使用或组合。对于泰式变化,在蒸汽液体中加入少许鱼露,柠檬草和热辣椒,然后在贻贝完成后用椰奶富含汤。

Turn the steaming liquid into a sauce

Transfer the shellfish to hot serving bowls with a slotted spoon or skimmer (you’ll have eight first-course or four main-course servings).
Slowly pour the broth into a clean saucepan, leaving any grit behind. Add 3 tablespoons chopped parsley and season with black pepper; if you like, whisk in 1/2 cup unsalted butter or extra-virgin olive oil.



If you steamed soft shell clams, beware the siphon; it’s covered with a gritty black sheath that you don’t want to eat. The easiest way to deal with it is to pick up the cooked clam by its siphon and pull away the sheath as you eat the clam.





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