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  • Grass-fed- 所有牛在他们的生活开始时都会吃天然的草饮食。问题是,该动物在屠杀之前是否被改用谷物肥大,还是一生中继续吃草和干草。从健康的角度来看,仅草饲牛肉具有更多的营养和饱和脂肪较少,危险的大肠杆菌O157:H7细菌的速率较低,没有疯牛病的风险。从口味的角度来看,它比传统的牛肉更瘦,如果煮熟的话,它的宽容程度较小。瞄准稀有或中等稀有的目标。寻找诸如“ 100%草食”或“草丛”之类的术语,或者寻找其他第三方验证者,例如美国草食协会(其标准比USDA的标准更严格)。
  • 或者ganic- 带有USDA有机徽标的牛肉已达到该部门的标准,该标准禁止使用生长激素,抗生素,转基因饲料和动物副产品等。标准不需要仅基层饮食;该动物可以喂食有机谷物。
  • 自由放养或自由漫游– These terms have no legal definition when applied to beef (though they do for poultry). While they suggest, at minimum, that the animal had access to the outdoors, there are no standards that producers need to follow.
  • Raised without antibiotics- 这意味着它说的是:抗生素没有给予牛。生产者必须提交支持该索赔的文件,但是除非另有说明,否则不会独立验证。
  • 没有激素- 这表明该动物没有接受生长刺激的激素。生产者必须提交支持索赔的文件,但是除非另有说明,否则未经第三方验证。
  • 自然- 如USDA所定义的那样,“自然”或“全天然”牛肉已被最小化,并且不包含防腐剂或人造成分。由于几乎所有新鲜牛肉都符合这些标准,因此该术语没有真正的意义。
  • 自然ly raised– The USDA is working on a new standard for naturally raised beef that would prohibit the use of hormones, antibiotics, and animal byproducts but might not address other production concerns, such as animal welfare, diet, or access to pasture. Once the final standard is released, you may start to see this term accompanied by the USDA “process verified” shield. However, the program will be voluntary, so producers may use the term even without verification.


      Tender cuts几乎没有结缔组织的干热量。牛排和其他小型嫩切割,可以很好地烧烤和锅灼热。较大的切片(如肋骨)是烘焙的好候选者。
      更艰难的削减with lots of connective tissue do best with gentle, moist heat and lots of time, during which the connective tissue breaks down into gelatin, giving the dish a silky texture. Long-cooking stews and braises are ideal for cuts like beef brisket and short ribs.


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      • ddavis3 |07/22/2012

        我只是purchased a fourth of a grass fed steer, my first time buying bulk beef. Fine Cooking is the first place I go any time I need a recipe, so here I am looking for some recipes to use my less expensive cuts of beef such as chuck roasts, bottom round roast, london broil roasts, cube steak, and stew meat. Perhaps with the cost of beef expecting to continue soaring, a good idea for a future magazine edition would be to cover some recipes for these less expensive cuts of beef. Plus it would help me immensely :) Thanks for all your great recipes!

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