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Classic Apple Pie Recipe

斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)


Servings:eight to ten.

一些小细节有助于使它成为您烤过的最好的苹果派。将水加到饼面团经过hand prevents overmixing, to keep the dough flaky and tender. A mix ofsweet and tart applesmake for a perfectly balanced filling. A糕点布和滚动销袜,或袖子是简单的工具,可以更轻松地推出面团。Watch our videofor more tips on rolling the dough.

Looking for more great pies?受到我们的幻灯片的启发perfect Thanksgiving pies


  • 1-1/2 to 1-3/4 lb. Cortland apples (about 4 medium)
  • 1lb.Granny Smith apples (about 2-1/2 medium)
  • 2茶匙。新鲜的柠檬汁
  • 2/3杯包装的浅红糖
  • 1/4杯加1汤匙。砂糖
  • 3 Tbs. cornstarch
  • 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon; more to taste
  • 1/4茶匙。犹太盐
  • 1/8 tsp. ground nutmeg
  • 1个大蛋白
  • 2茶匙。无盐黄油,软化,再加上1汤匙。冷的无盐黄油切成小(1/4英寸)立方体
  • 4至6汤匙。多用途面粉
  • 1recipeFlaky Pie Pastry


  • 营养样本量基于十份
  • Calories (kcal) : 460
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):200
  • 脂肪(g):23
  • Saturated Fat (g): 10
  • Polyunsaturated Fat (g): 3.5
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 7
  • 胆固醇(MG):30
  • Sodium (mg): 230
  • Carbohydrates (g): 60
  • 纤维(G):2
  • Protein (g): 4


  • 将两个烤箱架放在烤箱的下三分之一中,然后将烤箱加热至400°F。


  • Peel the apples, cut each in half from top to bottom, remove the cores with a melon baller, and trim the ends with a paring knife. Lay the apples, cut side down, on a cutting board. Cut the Cortland apples (below left) crosswise into 3/4-inch pieces, and then halve each piece diagonally. Cut the Granny Smith apples (below right) crosswise into 1/4-inch slices, leaving them whole. Put the apples in a large bowl and toss with the lemon juice.
  • Combine the brown sugar, 1/4 cup of the granulated sugar, cornstarch, cinnamon, kosher salt, and nutmeg in a small bowl. (Don’t add this to the fruit yet.)
  • 在一个小盘子里,用1茶匙水轻轻打败蛋清。搁置。

Assemble the pie:

  • Butter a 9-inch ovenproof glass (Pyrex) pie plate, including the rim, with the 2 tsp. of softened butter.
  • Rub 2 to 3 Tbs. of flour into the surface of a pastry cloth, forming a circle about 15 inches across, and also into a rolling pin stocking. If you don’t have a pastry cloth, rub the flour into a large, smooth-weave, cotton kitchen towel and use a floured rolling pin. Roll one of the disks of dough into a circle that’s 1/8 inch thick and about 15 inches across.
  • 将滚动引脚放在面团圆的上部三分之一;抬起糕点布,将面团轻轻地悬挂在销钉上,然后将销钉向您滚动,将剩余的面团松散地包裹在其周围。将滚动引脚固定在馅饼板的近边缘上。允许大约1英寸的悬垂物,将面团从您身上展开,将其放到锅的轮廓中。如果面团不集中在锅中,请轻轻地调整面团,然后将其轻轻地压入锅中。注意不要伸展面团。如果撕裂,只需将其压在一起 - 面团就很宽容。
  • Brush the bottom and sides of the dough with a light coating of the egg-white wash (you won’t need all of it). Leaving a 1/4-inch overhang, cut around the edge of the dough with kitchen shears.
  • Combine the sugar mixture with the apples and toss to coat well. Mound the apples in the pie plate, rearranging the fruit as needed to make the pile compact. Dot the apples with the 1 Tbs. cold butter cubes.
  • 再擦2到3汤匙。面粉进入糕点布的表面和袜子。将剩余的面团滚成一个厚度为1/8英寸,遍布约15英寸的圆圈。使用滚动销移动面团。当您展开面团时,将其居于苹果的顶部。将手放在馅饼顶部面包皮的两侧,并将面团放向中心,使面团宽松。留下3/4英寸的悬垂,将面团的顶层修剪在馅饼板的边缘周围。将面团的顶层折叠在底层下方,将两层面团塞在一起。在面团的边缘周围将一个轻微的面粉叉按密封,或用轻微面粉的手指在面团的边缘拖曳。
  • 用冷水轻轻刷顶,并在表面上撒上剩余的1汤匙。糖。通过在几个地方戳破削皮刀的尖端,在面团中驱动蒸汽。保持良好的排气很重要,以便烹饪苹果的蒸汽不会堆积并破解地壳的顶部。

Bake the pie:

  • Cover the rim of the pie with aluminum foil bands. This will prevent the edge of the crust from overbrowning.
  • 在馅饼下方的烤箱架上放置有框的烤盘或铝箔滴锅,以捕获烘烤过程中溢出的任何果汁。将馅饼放在上方的架子上。
  • Bake until the top and bottom crusts are golden brown and the juices are bubbling, 60 to 75 minutes; to thicken, the juices must boil, so look for the bubbles through the steam vents or through cracks near the edges of the pie and listen for the sound of bubbling juices. During the last 5 minutes of baking, remove the foil bands from the edges of the pie. Cool the pie at least 3 hours and up to overnight before serving.

Make Ahead Tips




Reviews (37 reviews)

  • Cozette|2018年5月25日


  • kargardn|11/25/2017

    Really delicious pie! I made it without using foil and it worked great.

  • Shannonchick|10/19/2017


  • 洛加诺|01/13/2017


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