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Scott Phillips





  • 12盎司。(2-2/3杯)未漂白的通用面粉
  • 3汤匙。砂糖
  • 1茶匙食盐
  • 6盎司。(3/4杯)冷的无盐黄油,切成12块
  • 2 oz. (4 Tbs.) frozen vegetable shortening, cut into 4 pieces
  • 5汤匙。冰冷的水
  • 1汤匙。新鲜的柠檬汁


  • 2/3 cup granulated sugar
  • 1-1/2盎司。(1/3杯)未漂白的通用面粉
  • 1茶匙细磨碎的柠檬皮加1汤匙。
  • 果汁(来自1个中柠檬)
  • 大捏桌盐
  • 6杯(30盎司)新鲜的蓝莓,冲洗并彻底干燥

For assembly:

  • 1 large egg
  • 2 Tbs. coarse sugar, such as turbinado or white sanding sugar

Nutritional Information

  • 卡路里(KCAL):420
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):170
  • 脂肪(g):19
  • 饱和脂肪(G):9
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):2
  • 单不饱和脂肪(G):5
  • Cholesterol (mg): 50
  • 钠(MG):240
  • Carbohydrates (g): 59
  • Fiber (g): 3
  • 蛋白质(G):5



  • 将面粉,糖和盐放入食品加工机中,并短暂脉搏以结合。加入黄油,缩短和脉冲,直到碎片比豌豆大小稍大,10到12脉冲。在面粉混合物上均匀地淋上水和柠檬汁。脉冲直到面团形成潮湿的碎屑,然后开始将8或9个脉冲凝结在一起。
  • Dump the moist crumbs onto two large overlapping pieces of plastic wrap and gather into a pile. With the heel of your hand, push and gently smear the dough away from you, rotating the plastic so you smear a different section each time, until the crumbs come together; 2 or 3 smears should do it. Divide the dough in half (about 12 oz. for each piece); shape one piece into a 5-inch disk and the other into a 4×6-inch rectangle. Wrap each tightly in plastic and refrigerate until firm, at least 2 hours and up to 2 days (or freeze for up to 1 month).

Make the lattice top crust:

  • 将架子放在烤箱的中心,并在架子上放置衬里的重型式烤盘。将烤箱加热到425°F。
  • Remove the rectangle of dough from the refrigerator; if it’s very firm, let it sit at room temperature until it’s pliable enough to roll, 10 to 20 minutes. (If the disk of dough is also very firm, let it sit at room temperature while you make the lattice.)
  • 在轻轻的面粉羊皮纸上,用面粉卷起的销钉将面团卷成一个1/8英寸厚的9-1/2 x14-1/2英寸矩形。从面团的中心滚动到边缘,并尝试使用尽可能少的通行证以避免使面团过度锻炼。每次通过后,在面团下运行偏移刮刀或长凳刀,以确保其不粘,并将面团四分之一转。仅根据需要重新散发羊皮纸和滚动销 - 口气面粉可以使外壳坚硬。
  • 使用一个有凹槽的糕点wheel or a chef’s knife, trim the dough into a 9×14-inch rectangle. With the wheel or knife, cut 12 strips of dough that are 14-inches long and 3/4-inch wide. If at any point while making the lattice the dough becomes too soft to work with, slide the parchment onto a cookie sheet and chill the dough until firm.
  • 将饼干纸与羊皮纸排成一片。水平排列6个面团条的3/4英寸;这些将是“底部”条。
  • Fold back every other bottom strip to the left slightly more than halfway. Slightly left of center, lay down one “top” strip vertically over the bottom strips, dabbing the bottom strips with a wet finger where the top strip will overlap them. Dab the top strip where the folded strips will overlap it, then unfold the strips. Fold back the other 3 bottom strips to the left. Lay a second top strip 3/4-inch to the right of the first, dabbing with water as before. These are the two center strips. Unfold the bottom strips. Repeat the process on both sides with the remaining top strips of dough.
  • 轻轻按下条带重叠的地方密封。在滚动底部外壳并进行填充时,用保鲜膜松散地覆盖了晶格,并在饼干板上冷藏。


  • On lightly floured parchment, roll the disk of dough into a 14-1/2-inch circle that’s 1/8 inch thick.
  • Carefully and gently roll the dough around the rolling pin and position the pin over a 9-inch glass pie plate. Unroll, easing the dough into the pan. Gently press the dough against the side and bottom of the pan, being careful not to stretch or tear it, and allowing the excess dough to hang over the edges. Let sit at room temperature while assembling the filling.

Make the filling:

  • In a large bowl, combine the sugar, flour, lemon zest and juice, and salt. Add 1 cup of the blueberries and crush them into the dry ingredients with a potato masher or fork to make a paste. Add the rest of the berries and toss to coat. Scrape the filling into the crust with a rubber spatula, spreading evenly.


  • 从冰箱中取出晶格。如果僵硬,请在室温下静置几分钟。将手掌放在羊皮纸的中心。抬起纸张,将格子倒入填充物上,以快速,平稳的运动。将顶部和底部的边缘压在一起,并修剪两层外壳,以便大约有3/4英寸的悬垂。滚动悬垂在自身下方,形成一个高的地壳边缘,该地壳位于馅饼板的边缘上。用手指将面团压接到凹槽的边缘。
  • 在一个小碗中,打鸡蛋和1汤匙。水直到混合。使用小糕点刷,将鸡蛋混合物均匀地刷在晶格和边缘上,然后大量撒上粗糖。
  • Put the pie on the heated baking sheet and reduce the oven temperature to 375°F. Bake until the edges are pale golden, about 30 minutes, then cover the edges with foil and continue to bake until the lattice is golden-brown and the filling is bubbling about 2-inches from the center, 80 to 90 minutes total. (If the lattice is golden-brown before the filling is bubbling, cover it loosely with foil.)
  • Let the pie cool on a rack to room temperature, about 3 hours, before serving. It’s best eaten on the day it’s made, but you can make it up to 1 day ahead and store it, covered when cool, at room temperature. Leftovers keep in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.


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评论(11 reviews)

  • Jennipurr14|01/29/2021

    我几乎放弃了蓝莓派。与樱桃大黄或酸苹果或关键石灰相比,它没有那个“ je ne sais quoi”!不过,我是很好的烹饪粉丝,我决定再给它一个镜头,我很高兴自己做到了!用面粉,糖和柠檬皮粉碎一些蓝莓是巧妙的!它确实想知道馅饼的增厚。我也喜欢顶部的涡轮糖糖。闪闪发光和一些额外的甜味是如此美味,无论是品尝还是表现出色。由于家庭过敏,我无法在外壳中使用黄油,所以我根本无法说话。但是,我们确实喜欢这个食谱。当我打字时,我在烤箱里还有另一个华丽的馅饼...明天我们迫不及待地等待与公司一起切入!

  • Masterbaker12_|08/07/2020






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