要将蚕豆煮至半熟,你只需要四种基本的厨房工具:一个中大锅(像荷兰烤箱或汤锅,4夸脱容量就可以了),一个大工作碗,一个过滤网,和一两个干净的抹布。向锅中倒入2夸脱水和1 tb。撒上粗盐,煮至沸腾。在工作碗里放满冰块,然后盖上冷水。将豆子倒入沸水中煮2分钟(小蚕豆)到3分钟(大蚕豆)。蔬菜一下水就开始计时;不要等它再次沸腾。不要走开,只要时间一到,就用筛网把豆子转移到冰浴中。让豆子在冰水中停留一两分钟,停止烹饪并冷却。把蔬菜从冰浴中拿出来(用手或滤网),放在洗碗巾(或纸巾)上一层吸干水分。 Slip the beans out of their skins (see photo) and store them in a shallow container (lined with paper towels to absorb any excess moisture), covered with a slightly damp paper towel or dishtowel. They’ll keep in the refrigerator overnight. If you plan to use them right away, make sure they’re very dry.