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Fresh Pasta for Lasagne

Scott Phillips

屈服:Yields about 1 lb. pasta; enough for one 9x13-inch lasagne

If you have never made lasagne with fresh pasta, you are in for a treat; the thinness of the pasta lets the flavors of the sauce and cheese marry to create a lasagne that’s light and truly special. It cannot be duplicated with thicker store-bought noodles.


  • 11-1/4盎司。(2-1/2杯)未漂白的通用面粉;根据需要更多
  • 4个大鸡蛋,在室温下
  • Kosher salt


Make the dough

  • 在干净的工作表面上将面粉堆满。用手,在面粉中央进行高壁,7到8英寸直径的井。将鸡蛋塞进井中。用叉子轻轻打开鸡蛋,将面粉从井的内边缘逐渐拉入鸡蛋,直到柔软,块状的面团开始形成。当面团变得难以与叉子一起工作时,请用手从井中拉入剩余的面粉,轻轻揉捏直到面团具有凝聚力。
  • Move the dough off to the side and, with a dough scraper, scrape up and discard any bits of dough stuck to the work surface. Clean your hands. Lightly dust the surface and your hands with flour and knead the dough, adding more flour as needed, until it becomes smooth, elastic, and just a bit tacky, about 5 minutes. Cover the dough with a clean towel and let rest at room temperature for 20 minutes.

Roll the dough

  • Lay a clean tablecloth or several kitchen towels on a counter. Cut the dough into 6 pieces and cover with a towel. With your hands, flatten and shape one piece of dough into a 1/2-inch-thick rectangle. Dust it lightly with flour and pass it through the widest setting on the pasta machine. If the dough comes out oddly shaped, reform into a rectangle. Fold it in thirds, like a letter, and if necessary, flatten to 1/2 inch thick. Pass it through the widest setting again with the seam of the letter perpendicular to the rollers. Repeat this folding and rolling step 10 to 12 times, dusting the dough with flour if it becomes sticky.
  • Without folding the dough, pass it through the next setting on the pasta machine. Keep reducing the space between the rollers after each pass, lightly dusting the pasta with flour on both sides each time, until the pasta is about 1/16 inch thick and 3 inches wide.
  • 将滚出的面团放在桌布上。以相同的方式推出剩余的面团。将每条面团切成11英寸的长度。

Cook the pasta

  • 用高火煮沸10夸脱的锅(至少1汤匙盐)水。将一大碗冰水靠近沸水。在有边缘的烤盘上排成一张干净的厨房毛巾或羊皮纸,并准备好毛巾或羊皮纸。
  • Put 3 or 4 noodles in the boiling water. Once the water returns to a boil, cook for about 30 seconds. With a large wire skimmer, carefully transfer them to the ice water to stop the cooking. Repeat with the remaining noodles.
  • Drain the noodles and rinse under cold water. Very gently squeeze each noodle to remove excess water and then spread it flat on the towel-lined baking sheet. Layer the noodles between clean towels (or parchment) and set aside until you’re ready to assemble the lasagne.

Make Ahead Tips

To store the pasta for up to 24 hours before assembling a lasagne, layer the cooled, cooked noodles on a baking sheet, wrap tightly with plastic, and refrigerate.


It’s important to use room-temperature eggs when making fresh pasta because they’ll be more readily absorbed by the flour. Don’t layer the pasta on kitchen towels if you use a scented fabric softener because the pasta will pick up the scent—use parchment instead.


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  • TMR98023|03/18/2021


  • cookie1|12/01/2019


  • 双聚合物|11/26/2018

    Excellent, easy to follow recipe. It took me longer than I had planned, but the results were amazing. Will never buy them in the box again. The lasagna tonight tasted great! I can’t wait to eat the leftovers.


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