将烤箱预热至400°F。用不粘烹饪喷雾剂涂上9 x 13英寸的烤盘。将3/4的杯子酱撒在盘子的底部上涂上。添加一层面条,稍微重叠。上面放一杯肉酱,然后是一层面条;加入1杯贝罕酱,撒在外套上。重复图层。加入第五层的面条和剩余的肉酱上面;与剩下的贝汉尔在一起。用油脂羊皮纸盖住,然后用箔纸包裹锅。 Bake for 1 hour; uncover and sprinkle with the remaining 1/4 cup Parmigiano. Bake for 15 minutes more. Loosely cover again with the foil and let stand for 30 minutes before slicing.
I love this recipe. Very understated on the tomato influence that lets everything else have a voice. A extra layer of noodles in this formulation also allows other herbs, vegetables and meat to make a statement. Used oven ready noodles and it was not an issue. I like the bechamel substitution for ricotta as it was not as salty. Just a nice foundation recipe that allow for some artistic adjustments.