- If using fresh peas: Fill a large saucepan half full with water and 2 tsp kosher salt and bring to a boil. Drop the peas into the boiling water and cook until just tender (taste one or two), 2 minutes for smaller peas, 3 minutes for larger, older peas. Begin timing immediately; don’t wait for the water to return to a boil. Use a mesh strainer to transfer the peas to a dish towel or a few layers of paper towels to drain. Discard the water the peas were boiled in, but reserve the pot.
- 如果使用冷冻豌豆:把它们放在一个滤器和run cold water over them for a few minutes until they’re mostly thawed. Spread them out on a few layers of dish towels to drain
- 用低火融化保留的平底锅中的黄油。加入葱并炒至变软,约3分钟。加入浓奶油,一半的薄荷,柠檬皮,1/4茶匙的盐和一些胡椒粉。将混合物煮沸并煮熟,直到它略微变厚,木勺在锅底刮在锅底,约1分钟。加入豌豆并搅拌直至加热并用酱汁涂上涂层,再1分钟。从热量中取出锅,品尝盐和胡椒粉,立即食用,用剩余的薄荷装饰。

新鲜的豌豆和石灰和椰奶:To give peas a slightly tropical twist, replace half of the heavy cream with coconut milk (canned, well stirred), replace the lemon zest with lime zest, and replace the mint with cilantro. When adding the cream-coconut mixture to the sautéed scallions, simply bring it to a boil and immediately add the peas. You won’t need to let the cream reduce. This variation is good with lamb, preferably grilled kebabs.
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