- 在安装桨附件的立式搅拌机中,将面粉,糖,酵母和盐混合至低速,直至充分混合。加入4个鸡蛋和牛奶,并继续以低速混合以结合。一旦面团开始团结在一起,请取下桨附件,然后连接面团钩。(碗中仍然会有未粘的鸡蛋和面粉。)以中等速度混合2分钟。使用塑料面团刮刀或强壮的塑料刮刀,刮擦碗和钩。继续混合,直到面团结实而弹性,大约2分钟。目前,面团可能会粘在钩子上,但这没关系。再次将面团从钩子上刮下来。在中等速度的情况下,搅拌机一次加入一半的黄油,一次加入几块。刮下碗和面团钩,然后取下面团钩。用手将面团手动揉几块,然后反复将面团自身折叠起来,以帮助掺入黄油。 Reattach the dough hook and add the remaining butter, a few pieces at a time, mixing on medium-low speed. Once all of the butter has been added, increase the mixer speed to medium and mix for 4 minutes. Scrape the dough hook and the sides and bottom of the bowl. Mix again until the dough is smooth, soft, and shiny, about 4 minutes more. You’ll hear the dough slap against the sides of the bowl when it’s ready. (If your kitchen is warm, the dough may seem too loose at this point. Resist the urge to add extra flour, or the brioche may be tough.)
- 使用塑料面团刮刀或刮铲将面团转移到干净的,非常轻轻的面粉表面上。面团会很湿。用手揉几次,然后在12、3、6和9点将侧面折叠到中间,将其形成球。将面团翻转过来,将手掌放在面团的两侧,然后将其塞在自身下,将面团塞在面团下面,然后将面团塞成一个宽松的球,上面是光滑的。将面团光滑的一面转移到一个干净的大碗中。用塑料松散地覆盖,让面团在温暖的,无水的斑点上升起,直到大小翻了一番,大约1小时。
- 使用面团刮板或刮铲将面团平滑,向下平滑,将面粉的工作表面放在非常轻微的面粉表面上。同样,通过将侧面折叠到中间,在12、3、6和9点钟将其形成球。将面团翻转过来,将手掌放在面团的两侧,然后将其塞在自身下,将面团塞在面团下面,然后将面团塞成一个宽松的球,上面是光滑的。将面团光滑的一面转移回碗。用塑料紧紧盖住。在这一点上,为了最佳风味,将面团冷藏过夜。或让它坐下直至大小翻倍,约1小时。房间的温暖越温暖,奶油蛋卷越来越快,所以请密切注意。
- 如果面团被冷藏,请让它温暖到室温,大约2小时。16英寸3英寸的奶油蛋卷 - tête模具(使用3至3-1/4英寸宽的模具,顶部和至少1-1//4高4英寸)。将面团伸出,向下平滑,向下平滑,进入干净的工作表面。将面团在12、3、6和9点钟将侧面折叠到中间,将面团形成球。使用比例尺和长凳刀,将面团分成2个相等的片,约1磅3盎司。每个。将每一半分成8个相等的约2-1/2盎司。每个,总共16片面团。用塑料盖住面团,以防止其干燥。将每块面团堆放成紧密的球,将您的手托在面团上,并用稍微塞进的手的手指以圆形运动移动。形成“Tête”,,,,” or head, hold your hand perpendicular to the work surface, with your fingers straight and tightly together (like you’re going to do a karate chop). Working with one ball of dough at a time (keeping the others covered with plastic), press down onto the ball with the side of your hand about one-third of the way from one of the edges of the dough ball (leaving one-third of the dough to one side of your hand, and two-thirds of the dough to the other side of your hand). Saw back and forth with your hand almost all of the way through until you get a shape that looks like a bowling pin, or a head and body connected by a very thin, almost translucent neck. Holding the dough by the “head,” turn the dough upright so the body is resting on the work surface. Lower the head down into the body, pressing deeply into the body and spreading it with your thumbs and index fingers to make a nest for the head. Tighten the body around the nestled head by tucking and lifting the body up around the head. Gently place the dough in one of the prepared molds, body down. Repeat with the remaining dough. Transfer the molds to a large rimmed baking sheet.
- 用塑料非常宽松地覆盖奶油蛋卷。让面团升起,直到大小几乎翻了一番,大约1小时。当用手指轻轻戳戳时,它应该弹回。同时,将烤箱架放在烤箱的中心,然后将烤箱加热到375°F。重要的是要彻底加热烤箱,以便奶油蛋卷均匀烘烤。
- 在一个小碗中,通过打败剩下的2个鸡蛋加1个蛋黄和少许盐来洗鸡蛋。轻轻刷奶油蛋卷的顶部(不让鸡蛋洗净到模具或锅中,这会使奶油蛋卷粘在模具上)。烘烤,直到顶部的深金棕色,侧面有金色(您可以将奶油蛋卷稍微抬起,以便在模具的边缘窥视),约18分钟。(内部温度应为190°F。)让奶油蛋卷在电线架上冷却10分钟,然后拆卸。在他们仍然温暖的同时服务。
您也可以使用此食谱制作2个全尺寸奶油蛋卷面包或2个大奶油蛋卷。面包:将面团分为16个球后,黄油两种8-1/2×4-1/2英寸的面包盘。将八个面团在每个平底锅中排成两排。对于大型奶油蛋卷àTête:将面团分成16个球后,黄油两种7英寸的奶油蛋卷 - tête模具。将一个面团球放在其中一个模具的中间。在模具侧面再安排六个球,搁在第一个球上(它们不会触及模具的底部)。将最后一个球放在中间的面团顶部。重复再制作一个7英寸的奶油蛋卷。烘烤这两种变化:证明并涂抹鸡蛋清洗,例如小奶油蛋卷。烘烤约25分钟或内部温度为190°F。在拆卸之前,在架子上冷却25至30分钟。