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Greens on White Grilled Pizza

Christopher Hirsheimer

Servings:2 as a main course; 4 as an appetizer.

The white of this pizza comes from a mix of three cheeses. The heat from the pizza slightly wilts the greens and the prosciutto adds a welcome salty sweetness.

This recipe is excerpted fromPizza on the Grill.


  • 1/4杯未煮过的玉米面,用于滚动面团
  • 1 ball (8 oz.) prepared pizza dough, at room temperature
  • 2 Tbs. olive oil, plus extra to drizzle on the arugula
  • 1/2 cup烤大蒜糊
  • 2/3杯磨碎的马苏里拉奶酪
  • 2/3 cup grated Asiago cheese
  • 2/3杯意大利乳清干酪
  • 1-2 tsp. white truffle oil
  • 1 cup fresh arugula (ideally baby arugula)
  • 4盎司。切成薄片的prosciutto
  • Fleur de sel or kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper


  • 按照下面的主说明中的指示加热烤架。

    用玉米面撒上工作表面。将面团放在表面中间。您可以用滚动销滚出面团,用手伸展,或从中心向工作表面划出。理想情况下,您想要一块12英寸的有机形状的面团 - 圆形,方形或矩形 - 1/8至1/4英寸厚。用2汤匙慷慨地毛毛雨或刷两面。橄榄油。

    Grill the first side of the crust following the instructions below. Use tongs to transfer it from the grill to a peel or rimless baking sheet.

    Flip the crust to reveal the grilled side. Spread the entire surface with the garlic paste, then top with the mozzarella and Asiago, and spoon dollops of the ricotta over all. Finish grilling the pizza following the instructions below.

    Remove from the grill and drizzle with some of the truffle oil. Drizzle the arugula lightly with olive oil and toss, then place immediately on top of pizza (so that the heat of the pizza wilts it). Arrange the prosciutto on top and season with salt and pepper. Slice and serve immediately.

Master directions for grilling pizza

  • For Gas Grills
    • Heat the grill by setting all the burners on high. After lighting, close the lid and leave on high for 10 minutes, then reduce the heat of all the burners to medium.
    • 从最接近您的两个角落拿起上油的面团。在一个动作中,将其平放在后面的烹饪炉排上(因为您将桌布放在桌子上)。关闭盖子和烤架3分钟(不窥视!),然后检查地壳,并在必要时继续再烧烤几分钟,直到底部标记得很好并且呈褐色。
    • Use tongs to transfer the crust from the grill to a peel or rimless baking sheet. Close the lid of the grill. Flip the crust to reveal the grilled side. Follow the specific recipe directions for adding any sauce, toppings, and/or cheese.
    • Switch the grill to indirect heat by turning off the center burner(s) if you have a three- or four-burner grill. For a two-burner grill, turn off one burner.
    • Set the pizza back on the grate over indirect heat (the unlit section) and grill, with the lid down, until the bottom is well browned and the cheese is melted, 7 to 10 minutes. For two-burner grills, rotate the pizza halfway through the cooking time.
    • 从烤架,装饰并按照指示调味。切片并立即食用。


    • 通过在烟囱起动器或烤架底部炉排上的金字塔形丘中照亮50至60个木炭块状的燃料。一旦煤球变成灰色(20至30分钟或烤架内450°F),将它们全部移至烤架的一侧。
    • 从最接近您的两个角落拿起上油的面团。In one motion, lay it down flat—over the side without briquettes—on the cooking grate from back to front (as you would set a tablecloth down on a table). Close the lid and grill for 3 minutes (no peeking!), then rotate the crust 180 degrees and continue grilling until the bottom is well marked and evenly browned, another 2 to 3 minutes.
    • Use tongs to transfer the crust from the grill to a peel or rimless baking sheet. Close the lid of the grill. Flip the crust to reveal the grilled side. Follow the specific recipe directions for adding any sauce, toppings, and/or cheese.
    • 将比萨饼放回侧面,没有煤球和烤架,盖上盖子,持续4至5分钟。将披萨旋转180度,并继续盖上盖子,直到底部呈鲜红,奶酪融化,再融化4至5分钟。
    • 从烤架,装饰并按照指示调味。切片并立即食用。

像这样的披萨应该得到一个Frozen Affogato Shake.

Make yourself a Tangerita by mixing 2 ounces tequila, 2 ounces fresh lime juice, 1 ounce Triple Sec, and 4 ounces fresh tangerine juice. Shake over ice and serve.

You can replace the truffle oil with shaved white truffles.


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Reviews (2 reviews)

  • cody_nabz|01/02/2012

    I agree with the other review. I've also notice the hole at the picture. Is that a design? or just part of the preparation. Take a tour on this site,http://www.learnaboutpizza.com.

  • skc921|10/26/2009

    This was a great pizza! The arugula was really tasty....but why is there a round hole cut out of the pizza in the picture? (in the bottom right of the picture)

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