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Pear-Cranberry Linzer Tart

Scott Phillips



Linzer dough is traditionally made with almonds, but the walnuts here are sublime with the fruit. It’s important to mix this dough very well and chill it thoroughly; it’s more like a cookie dough than a pastry dough. The cooked egg yolks give the dough a cakey quality that’s unequalled by any substitute. The raw yolks bind the dough and add extra richness.



  • 4 oz. (1 cup) walnuts, lightly toasted
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 8盎司。(1-3/4杯)通用面粉
  • 1 tsp. ground cinnamon
  • 1 tsp. finely grated lemon zest
  • 1/2 tsp. table salt
  • 1/8茶匙地面丁香
  • 2个硬煮的蛋黄
  • 8盎司。(1 cup) cold unsalted butter, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
  • 2个生蛋蛋黄
  • 1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract

For the filling:

  • 2磅成熟的梨(最好是Comice或Bosc),剥皮,尸体并切成1/3英寸切片(约4杯)
  • 6 Tbs. all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup fresh or frozen cranberries, picked through and rinsed
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar

To finish:

  • 1个蛋黄
  • 1/4 cup heavy cream or whole milk


Make the dough:

  • 在食品加工机中,将核桃磨成糖的糖果质地。加入面粉,肉桂,柠檬皮,盐,丁香和碎的蛋黄。短暂脉冲以结合。加入黄油并脉搏,直到面团开始聚在一起,看起来块状。加入原始的蛋黄和香草,然后脉冲直至充分混合。面团会粘稠,湿润,更像是饼干面团,而不是糕点面团。将面团切成两半(每块应约为12-3/4盎司),将每一半放在一大块塑料上,然后使用塑料来帮助您变平。将每个磁盘包裹在其塑料中,然后冷藏至少1小时。

Assemble the tart:

  • 在面粉的工作表面上,将每个面团的圆盘滚动成11英寸的圆形约1/4英寸厚。将一轮放在盘子上,冷藏,发现。将另一轮安装到一个带有可移动底部的9英寸凹槽蛋pan中。将多余的面团折叠到锅的侧面,然后按以与锅顶的顶部进行边缘冲洗,约1/3英寸。撒2汤匙。面粉底部的面粉,并均匀地覆盖。用剩余的1/4杯面粉扔梨和蔓越莓。将水果放在蛋shell中,使梨尽可能平坦,上面有一些浆果。将剩余的面粉刮在水果上,并撒上糖。
  • Take the other piece of dough from the refrigerator and cut it into eight 1-inch-wide strips. (I use a ruler and a ravioli cutter or a pastry cutter to get beautiful zigzag-edged strips). Arrange four strips, evenly spaced, over the top of the tart. Then, on a sharp diagonal to the first four, set the other four strips on top, so that the overlapping layers make diamond shaped windows. Trim the ends of the strips and press them into the edges of the tart.

Bake the tart:

  • 将烤箱架放在底部的梯级上。用箔纸将重边缘烤板衬上,然后将其放在架子上。将烤箱加热到350°F。用奶油或牛奶搅拌蛋黄。用鸡蛋釉刷蛋t的晶格。在烤盘上烘烤,直到糕点变成金黄色,45分钟。到1-1/4小时。在架子上冷却1小时,然后稍微温暖。

Make Ahead Tips

This recipe was developed to be made ahead and frozen for up to six weeks. Immedieately wrap the assembled, unbaked tart tightly in plastic. (If you’re freezing for longer than 1 week, add an outer layer of foil as well.) Store in coldest part of the freezer (generally the top). When ready to bake, position an oven rack on the bottom rung. Line a heavy rimmed baking sheet with foil and set it on the rack. Heat the oven to 350°F. Remove the tart from the freezer, unwrap, and glaze the frozen tart’s lattice top with the egg wash (do not thaw the tart). Bake as directed above, until golden brown (baking time will be 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 hours).


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Reviews (3 reviews)

  • LaurenB|12/19/2015

    I've made this many times and it always comes out great!

  • 3Peat|2015年8月24日

    Sounded wonderful but it was a total mess. Dough was impossible to work with when constructing. Froze tart, then baked as instructed. Super soggy after baking. A total mess and I am not a novice cook! This recipe needs to be removed from your site. A total waste of ingredients!

  • user-1074078|12/27/2014

    This crust absolutely did not work for me. It simply would not hold together during the roll out process. The dough disks were refrigerated for about 3 hrs and then when the first one wouldn't hold together, placed in the freezer for an hour. They still would not work and I wound up using a little juice glass to roll the dough out in the tart pan.

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