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覆盆子 - 贝尔贝马克半叶

斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)


Semifreddo is like fluffy, sliceable ice cream, but better; the richest, most luscious, and probably most decadent member of the frozen dessert family. In this version, syrupy aged balsamic vinegar lends a wonderful complement to the tart raspberries. Crème de cassis or raspberry syrup can be used instead of the Chambord.


  • 1-1/2 cups cold heavy cream
  • 6 oz. (1 cup) fresh raspberries
  • 5个大蛋黄,在室温下
  • 2/3杯砂糖
  • 1/4 cup Chambord (black raspberry liqueur)
  • 2个大蛋清,在室温下
  • 1/2 tsp. cream of tartar
  • 1/4 tsp. table salt
  • 1/4 cup seedless raspberry jam
  • 1汤匙。老年香醋


  • Calories (kcal) : 320
  • Fat Calories (kcal): 180
  • 脂肪(g):20
  • Saturated Fat (g): 11
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):1
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 6
  • Cholesterol (mg): 175
  • Sodium (mg): 110
  • 碳水化合物(G):31
  • 纤维(G):1
  • Protein (g): 4


  • Thoroughly chill a large metal bowl and the beaters of an electric hand mixer. Line the bottom and long sides of a 9×5-inch loaf pan with a 12×20-inch piece of plastic wrap, leaving 4-inch overhangs on the long sides. Smooth the plastic along the sides and into the corners; it’s OK if there are wrinkles. The plastic will not completely cover the short sides.

Whip the cream

  • Beat the cream in the chilled bowl with the chilled beaters on medium-high speed just until firm peaks form, 1 to 2 minutes. Refrigerate.


  • Using the back of a wooden spoon, press the raspberries through a fine-mesh sieve into a small bowl. Scrape any purée from the bottom of the sieve into the bowl and set aside.
  • 清洁搅拌器并干燥。在4夸脱的平底锅中,将1-1/2英寸的水用高火煮沸,然后将热量降低到温和的小火煮。将蛋黄,1/3杯糖和香波放在中等金属碗中,然后将碗放在锅锅上煮沸;确保碗的底部不会接触水。以中等速度拍打,经常用硅胶刮刀将碗刮下,直到扎巴格里奥尼厚,数量几乎翻了一番,搅拌器在抬起时离开小径,大约5分钟。从锅中取出碗,将覆盆子泥折叠到Zabaglione中,直至混合。搁置。

Make the meringue

  • 清洁搅拌器并干燥。将锅返回热量,并以温和的慢火煮。将蛋清,剩余的1/3杯糖,牙垢奶油和盐放在一个大金属碗中,然后将其放在水面上。以中等的速度敲打,偶尔用干净的硅胶刮刀将碗的侧面刮下,直到亮,蓬松和闪亮,大约3分钟。将碗从锅中取出,继续跳动,直到蛋白酥皮非常厚,毛茸茸,大约2分钟。


  • In a small bowl, whisk the raspberry jam and balsamic vinegar until smooth.
  • Use a silicone spatula to gently fold the zabaglione into the meringue and then fold in the whipped cream until no streaks remain. Dollop the jam mixture over the top and fold it in with just a few long, gentle strokes to create swirls.
  • 将混合物刮入准备的锅中,并用偏移刮刀将顶部弄平,如有必要,可以刮掉多余的水平以创建水平的顶部。将悬垂的塑料包裹在顶部以盖上覆盖,并冻结至少6小时,最多3天。

Unmold and serve

  • 将塑料包裹剥离,从半叶夫的顶部剥离。将锅倒在切菜板上或盘子上。抬起锅,将悬垂的塑料放在一侧,然后将其固定在另一侧。卸下保鲜膜。如果半叶夫看起来皱纹,请在热水水中加热一把长刀或小的偏移铲,擦干刀片,然后将其在皱纹上延伸以使它们柔滑。
  • 将半固定型横向切成1英寸厚的零件。


If you have only regular (instead of aged) balsamic vinegar on hand, simmer 2 Tbs. until reduced by half, cool, and use as directed below.

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  • weezi|2019年5月7日



    Someone commented that semifreddo is Italian for "get a lot of dishes dirty." Many recipes are overly complicated (this is not a dish that's baked, so does not need to be treated like one). Research has yielded options to reduce the work, dishes and time:
    1) beat egg whites; then yolks; then cream, in that order in same bowl - combine in a large bowl;
    2) in addition to beating order in 1), give the egg yolks a light but constant stir over water that's at a brisk simmer till they reach 170 degrees F (use candy thermometer or, if you don't have one, stir for about 10 minutes), then transfer to a stand mixer and leave to beat for 10-15 minutes
    3)将蛋黄和白色一起在立式搅拌机或电动搅拌器中击败 - 它们经常分开,因为似乎很难用手搅拌获得正确的质地。
    4) if you aren't overly concerned about salmonella issues, don't heat up eggs, just use at room temp (note, however, that freezing does not kill salmonella bacteria).




  • Mrsbennet|12/23/2018

    去年为除夕做了这一点,并将在今年再次实现。有什么更好的口味组合?也就是说,这个食谱确实为一个面包盘产生了太多产品,而且很平淡。我只是增加了覆盆子果酱和香醋的含量,而不是一个锅,而不是一个锅。我从其他食谱中注意到,通常只使用一杯奶油而不是1 1/2。食谱有点平淡无奇,而不增加香脂和覆盆子,但是在冷冻之前,您可以品尝并纠正口味。


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