Someone commented that semifreddo is Italian for "get a lot of dishes dirty." Many recipes are overly complicated (this is not a dish that's baked, so does not need to be treated like one). Research has yielded options to reduce the work, dishes and time:
1) beat egg whites; then yolks; then cream, in that order in same bowl - combine in a large bowl;
2) in addition to beating order in 1), give the egg yolks a light but constant stir over water that's at a brisk simmer till they reach 170 degrees F (use candy thermometer or, if you don't have one, stir for about 10 minutes), then transfer to a stand mixer and leave to beat for 10-15 minutes
3)将蛋黄和白色一起在立式搅拌机或电动搅拌器中击败 - 它们经常分开,因为似乎很难用手搅拌获得正确的质地。
4) if you aren't overly concerned about salmonella issues, don't heat up eggs, just use at room temp (note, however, that freezing does not kill salmonella bacteria).
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