SMHalps| 01/01/2017
这是我为NYE做的,还有棕色麦芽黄油酱和约克郡布丁。它在我的客人中非常受欢迎(我很喜欢)。在200度的温度下烤了4个半小时,我的烤肉只有122度老实说,看起来不太好。但在休息之后,12分钟的500度爆发力,再休息一段时间,感觉棒极了!烤得很均匀,虽然很罕见,但非常适合烤。我的客人比我更喜欢这种开裂的籽皮调味料,所以我下次可能会保留它(或稍微修改一下)。我不认为它增加了太多。啤酒/芥末酱/黄油酱很不错,但我不确定这是否值得。下次我可能会做酸奶油和辣根酱。约克郡布丁很受欢迎。 We didn't touch the bones, even thought I brought them to the table. I plan on using them to make beef stock. This recipe is keeper, the roast was a show stopper for my company. It takes a while, but most of that time is unattended, so its actually pretty easy. But you have to trust the process of "low and slow".