将韭菜从浸泡的水中轻轻抬起,以使任何砂砾留在后面。将它们排在漏勺中。用中火在中型锅中,在橄榄油中融化黄油。加入披风或火腿并煮熟,偶尔搅拌,直到金黄色,约9分钟。用开槽的勺子取出,沥干纸巾。将韭菜和大蒜加入锅中,盖上盖子,然后将热量降低到低点。向韭菜和大蒜汗水,慢慢烹饪,偶尔搅拌,直到韭菜变软约5分钟。(不要让韭菜或大蒜棕色。)加入奶油,煮沸,减少热量,然后煮5分钟。搅拌培根或火腿,百里香和盐;加入胡椒粉调味。 Set aside.
将烤箱加热到350°F。黄油2 QT。砂锅菜。将红薯切成1/4至1/8英寸厚。重复爱达荷州土豆。在砂锅底部安排一个重叠的爱达荷州切片层。用盐和胡椒轻轻调味;汤匙2汤匙。土豆上均匀的韭菜奶油。加入一层红薯片,用盐和胡椒粉轻轻调味,然后在另外2汤匙上汤匙。 of the leek cream. Repeat with the remaining potatoes until all are used. With your hands or a rubber spatula, press down firmly on the potatoes and drizzle the remaining leek cream over them. Bake until the gratin is golden on top, 50 to 60 min. Let rest in a warm place for 15 min. Cut into squares and serve.
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