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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)


If you like sesame noodles, you’ll love this roast chicken.


For the marinade:

  • 5 large cloves garlic, peeled
  • Pinch kosher salt
  • 2 Tbs. finely chopped fresh ginger
  • 1/3 cup sesame tahini (mix well before measuring)
  • 1/3 cup soy sauce
  • 1/3 cup dry sherry
  • 1/3 cup honey
  • 3 Tbs. fresh lemon juice
  • 2 tsp. toasted sesame oil
  • 1茶匙塔巴斯科或其他辣酱
  • 1large bunch scallions (white and light green parts, reserve 1 scallion for the garnish below), cut into 1-inch pieces


  • 2个骨头,皮肤鸡胸肉一半
  • 4 bone-in, skin-on chicken thighs
  • Scant tsp. kosher salt
  • 1个葱,切成薄片,以极端的角度切成薄片
  • 1茶匙烤芝麻,用于装饰


  • Calories (kcal) : 740
  • Fat Calories (kcal): 370
  • 脂肪(g):41
  • Saturated Fat (g): 10
  • Polyunsaturated Fat (g): 12
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 17
  • Cholesterol (mg): 170
  • Sodium (mg): 2080
  • 碳水化合物(G):38
  • 纤维(G):5
  • 蛋白质(G):53



  • Crush the garlic cloves and sprinkle with a little salt. Mince the garlic finely into a paste; you should have 1-1/2 to 2 Tbs. Set aside. In a small bowl, combine the ginger, tahini, soy sauce, sherry, honey, lemon juice, sesame oil, and Tabasco, and whisk until thoroughly combined.

Marinate the chicken:

  • 彻底清洗并干燥鸡肉。用手的手掌将鸡胸肉压在鸡胸肉上,以稍微扁平(使肋骨弹出或折断一半)。用一把锋利的刀,每片鸡的两侧戳了三到四缝,以帮助腌料穿透。将鸡肉放入一个大的无反应碗中,然后用犹太盐拌匀。将大蒜酱加入碗中,然后扔掉鸡肉。将腌泡汁加入碗中,然后用双手均匀地分配。加入葱,然后按鸡肉,以确保腌料涂有涂层并包围所有碎片。用塑料很好地包裹碗,冷藏至少6小时,最多24小时。

Roast the chicken:

  • 将鸡肉从冰箱中取出,然后将鸡肉和腌料(刮碗)倒入一个10×15英寸或两个7×11英寸11英寸的Pyrex烤盘中。调整鸡肉,使其皮肤向上,碎片均匀间隔。将腌制的葱塞在鸡肉片下和周围。将每片鸡肉撒上少许盐。让鸡肉静置至少20分钟或最多一个小时的时间来热身,以便更均匀地烹饪。同时,将烤箱加热到400°F。
  • 将鸡肉放在烤箱中烤。当它做饭时,腌料会起泡并开始减少。30分钟后,偶尔用锅汁肉食来帮助棕色皮肤并保持鸡肉湿润。当鸡变成深褐色并且锅汁减少时(锅的侧面将非常深褐色,看起来几乎被燃烧,并且削皮刀将很容易滑入大腿),大约1小时。锅汁可能会分开,这意味着脂肪将漂浮在果汁的顶部,这将非常厚。


  • 把鸡肉块砧板,tent with foil. Transfer the roasted scallions to a small bowl and reserve. Hold one end of the pan with a potholder and gently tilt the pan to let the juices run into one corner. With a large, shallow spoon, spoon off as much fat as possible but leave any savory juices and pan drippings behind (they may look clumpy). Add 2 Tbs. water to the pan (or 1 Tbs. to each of the two pans) and use a wooden spoon to scrape off enough of the baked-on pan drippings from the sides and bottom of the pan to form a slightly thickened, deeply colored, rich-looking sauce (you won’t need to scrape the whole pan). Taste the sauce—if it’s too intense, add a little more water; if it isn’t flavorful enough, keep scraping and stirring.
  • Cut each chicken breast in half by centering a large chef’s knife over it and then pushing down and slicing at the same time (the knife will cut right through the cartilage). Serve a thigh and half of a breast per portion, with a few spoonfuls of sauce, the reserved cooked scallions, and a sprinkling of the raw sliced scallions. Garnish with sesame seeds.


选择带有甜味的水果葡萄酒,例如家用Chenin Blanc或休假的雷司令。


Make the pan sauce while the pan is still hot; if you get delayed, use hot water to make the sauce, or put the pan back in the oven briefly to warm it.




  • 用户avater

    我喜欢这道菜。我发现很多食谱都必须在拥有真正的门将之前进行调整 - 但这是我厨房轮换中最好的鸡肉食谱。

  • 用户avater

    这个食谱的美丽之处之一是,您可以在前一天晚上腌制鸡肉,然后在回家后将其扔在烤箱中 - 非常适合下班后。另一个美丽的事情是它很美味 - 芝麻,生姜和大蒜制成了一种美味的酱汁,不太甜,不太咸。我的工作日烹饪食谱之一。

  • m2violin|02/14/2010


  • JNG000|2008年3月29日

    This is an easy, Asian-style baked chicken recipe. Tastes great. Good to serve with rice to soak up all the delicious gravy.

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