羔羊腰是您在羊排上发现的肉,就没有骨头。换句话说,它温柔可口。由于您通常不会在超市找到它,因此请您的屠夫为您订购或在线订购。因为腰部在小面上,所以使用了两个。但是,一旦腰部被包裹和烘烤,即使它们带着脊髓固定在一块肉中,它们就会像一块肉一样(运气好的运气)。薄荷酱配羊羔会亮整盘。Learn more about the techniqueand see a stop-actionvideo on the wrapping process here.
If you are mail-ordering lamb loins, you can likely buy them already trimmed. Otherwise, ask your butcher to trim them for you.
I plan to make this, after seeing it in the magazine, but where are the figs? Checked the online version, but still don’t see them. Use figs instead of currants?
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