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在意大利南部,发明burrata fru开始gal way for cheesemakers to use mozzarella scraps, namely by blending them with fresh cream and wrapping it all up in a ball of fresh mozzarella. But the concoction was so wonderful, it promptly became a delicacy in its own right. In this version of burrata, you’re making your own mozzarella curds by starting with fresh pasteurized milk (though you can also从购买的马苏里拉奶酪中制作burrata)。请参阅同伴文章step-by-step photos展示如何塑造burrata。


  • 2茶匙。柠檬酸
  • 根据需要
  • 1加仑全牛奶,最好是均质和巴氏灭菌,但不超硫酸盐
  • 1/2 tablet rennet
  • 1/2杯重奶油;根据需要更多
  • 犹太盐


  • 营养样本量2盎司。
  • Calories (kcal) : 210
  • Fat Calories (kcal): 150
  • 脂肪(g):17
  • Saturated Fat (g): 11
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):0
  • Monounsaturated Fat (g): 0.5
  • 胆固醇(MG):25
  • 钠(MG):180
  • Carbohydrates (g): 0
  • 纤维(g):0
  • 糖(G):0
  • Protein (g): 10


Make the curds

  • Dissolve the citric acid in ½ cup cool spring water. Pour the milk into a heavy stainless steel pot and let stand 15 minutes. Add the citric acid solution while stirring. over medium heat, warm the milk to 88°F to 90°F, stirring frequently.
  • 在使用之前,请压碎Rennet片剂,然后溶解在1/4杯冷却的弹簧水中。将牛奶从热量中取出,加入Rennet溶液,然后轻轻搅拌两次。让牛奶静置12分钟。目前,凝乳(固体)应远离乳清(液体)。凝乳将类似于丝绸豆腐。用长长的锋利刀将其切成1英寸的立方体,而不会从锅中清除。
  • Return the pot to medium-low heat and continually stir the curd until the temperature reaches 105°F, about 5 minutes.
  • 将漏勺放在水槽中,然后将煮熟的凝乳将其倒入漏勺中。(如果您想节省乳清,请将凝乳过滤在大碗上。)凝乳良好。

Make the stracciatella filling

  • Remove one-quarter of the curds to a small bowl. Add the cream and 1/2 tsp. salt, combining the mixture with your fingers. Set aside. Transfer the remaining curds to a large bowl.

Make the burrata

  • 加热一大锅水(自来水很好),直到在数字温度计上注册175°F至180°F。用冰水装满一个大碗,放在一边。
  • Work 2 Tbs. of kosher salt into the curds using your fingers. It will seem like a lot of salt, but don’t worry; most of it will remain in the water. Ladle or pour the hot water carefully into the bowl of curds—not directly onto the curds, but around them—until they are submerged. Let sit for 1 to 1-1/2 minutes.
  • Stir the stracciatella filling and add more cream if it appears too dry.
  • 用手套或裸露的手(请记住,水很热!),将一半的凝乳聚集成一个球,将其从碗中抬起,然后将其伸到水中。继续伸展它,直到它发亮和弹性。凝乳应立即毫不费力地伸展。如果他们不这样做,请将它们返回热水,直到它们柔软柔韧,然后轻松伸展。(提示:如果水冷却过多,请排干并从锅中加入更多的热水。
  • 快速工作,将拉伸的马苏里拉奶酪轻轻形成直径5到6英寸的圆盘,厚约1/4英寸。将盘放在手掌中。小心2至3汤匙。填充到马苏里拉奶酪磁盘中心的Stracciatella的中,增加了2至3汤匙。碗中的更多奶油。扭动球以密封。将Burrata球放入冰浴中,使其冷却直至牢固,5至6分钟。用剩余的凝乳重复该过程,拉伸并填充剩余的Stracciatella填充物。
  • Serve the burrata immediately, or enclose it in plastic wrap and refrigerate until ready to use. Serve within 48 hours.
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  • 超戴维|05/22/2020

    Well, that was a waste of a gallon of milk and an hour of my time. Nothing came out like the author said. It wasn't holding together whatsoever. It was like crumbly bits of feta. The last step, of covering the cheese in warm water killed it - there was nothing left of it. I legitimately created an account on this site solely to warn people NOT to make this. What a waste. Also, the instruction were very unclear. "Heat a large pot of water" could be said more clearly ten different ways.

  • luvintrisdam|04/18/2020


  • luvintrisdam|04/18/2020


  • Abbey2019|01/03/2020



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