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斯科特·菲利普斯(Scott Phillips)





  • 14盎司。冷冻混合浆果(蓝莓,覆盆子,草莓和黑莓的混合物)
  • 1/4杯砂糖;品尝更多
  • 1茶匙fresh lemon juice; more to taste
  • 1/4 tsp. finely grated lemon zest
  • 慷慨的捏肉桂
  • Pinch kosher salt
  • 1-1/2 Tbs. cornstarch
  • 1个大鸡蛋
  • 1张冷冻包装的泡芙糕点(Pepperidge Farm品牌),在冰箱中融化过夜或根据包装说明
  • 面粉推出面团
  • 1茶匙Demerara,Turbinado或砂糖
  • Crème fraîche, lightly sweetened whipped cream, or vanilla ice cream for serving (optional)


  • 营养样本量基于八份
  • Calories (kcal) : 190
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):80
  • 脂肪(G):9
  • Saturated Fat (g): 2.5
  • 多不饱和脂肪(G):1
  • 单不饱和脂肪(G):4.5
  • 胆固醇(MG):15
  • 钠(MG):170
  • 碳水化合物(G):24
  • 纤维(G):2
  • Protein (g): 3



  • 在培养基(3 Qt。)锅中,将冷冻浆果,糖,柠檬汁,柠檬皮,肉桂和盐搅拌在一起。在高中加热,直到浆果开始释放果汁,这些果汁气泡1至2分钟。将热量降低至中等煮沸,不时轻轻搅拌,直到浆果释放更多的果汁并变软,但仍保持其形状,但在大多数情况下(覆盆子可能会分解,黑莓也可能会破裂),7至9最小从火上移开。
  • 用开槽的勺子挖出浆果,让尽可能多的果汁从勺子中排出,然后将其放入一个小的防热碗中。
  • Dissolve the cornstarch in 3 Tbs. cold water. Whisk into the juices in the pan. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat. Boil, stirring with a wooden spoon, until the mixture is very thick, a full 2 minutes. Scrape the sauce into the bowl with the berries. Fold them together. Taste. If too tart, add a little more sugar; if too sweet, add a little more lemon juice. Let the filling cool completely before using.


  • Line a large rimmed baking sheet with parchment. In a small bowl, make an egg wash by beating the egg with 1 Tbs. water until well combined.
  • 在面粉表面上展开酥饼面团,然后轻轻捏合任何分裂的接缝。用面粉滚动销,将面团滚动成12×14英寸的矩形。用锋利的刀将矩形切成一半,形成两个6×14英寸的矩形。使用一条长刮刀帮助您将一个面团矩形之一移到衬有羊皮纸的烤盘上。
  • Use a pastry brush to brush a 1-inch border of egg wash around the perimeter of the dough. (Save the remaining egg wash.) Arrange the berries in a 4-inch-wide strip down the length of the dough. Some syrupy juices will likely remain in the dish; spoon 2 to 3 Tbs. over the berries. If some of the liquid seeps onto the egg-washed border, don’t worry about it.
  • Lightly dust the remaining piece of puff pastry with flour and then gently fold it in half lengthwise; don’t crease the fold. Using a sharp knife, cut 1-1/2-inch-long slashes at 1-inch intervals along the folded side of the dough; leave at least a 1-inch border on the remaining three sides. Do not unfold the dough. Using a long spatula, gently lift the folded strip and position it over the fruit-filled dough rectangle, matching up the straight edges.

  • Gently unfold the top piece of dough and stretch it over the filling, matching the straight edges all the way around the perimeter of the dough. Press the edges gently with your fingertips to seal the dough, and then, with a fork, very gently crimp the edges of the dough all the way around the pastry.

Bake the jalousie:

  • 冷却组装的墨西哥胡椒15至20分钟。同时,将架子放在烤箱的下三分之一中,然后将烤箱加热到400°F。用剩余的鸡蛋洗涤涂层(您不需要全部)刷墨西哥果皮的顶部,并撒上Demerara,turbinado或颗粒糖。
  • 烘烤15分钟,然后旋转烤盘。继续烘烤直到糕点膨化,顶部深金黄色,底部浅金黄色 - 使用刮刀轻轻抬起玉米饼,以便您可以在下面窥视10到15分钟。更多的。立即将玉米饼从烤盘转移到电线架中,冷却至少45分钟。(而不是试图用刮刀移动热的玉米饼,而是举起羊皮纸以将墨西哥奶酪移到架子上,然后小心地从糕点下面滑出纸张。
  • 如果愿意,请稍微温暖或在室温下稍微温暖或在室温下食用奶油,轻轻甜味的鲜奶油或香草冰淇淋。

Make Ahead Tips

You can refrigerate the filling in a covered container for 2 days before using. The jalousie is best the day it’s made, but it will keep, wrapped well in aluminum foil, for 3 days. You can reheat it in a 325°F oven for 5 minutes before serving.




  • 布伯|2014年5月29日

    Okay, let's me honest. As much as we love making the special dishes that WOW our friends and families, sometimes that means hours in the kitchen to create beautiful food.And then there are goodies like this. Whenever I make this, I get rave reviews and the "Oh, you must have slaved over the oven on this." Well, who am I to burst their food bubbles? Along with my own cheesecake, this and the Brown Butter version are summer (berry) and winter (apple or pear) go-to, "Ack! I need to make a company dessert!" items.I throw in whatever berries we have on hand, usually fresh because I tend to make this in season. This last time, I added a handful of fresh sweet cherries. Delicious and so easy.

  • maryvill|2011年7月13日

    I made this last night to take to a picnic. Since we had our own fresh strawberries, I substituted the fresh for the mixed frozen berries. I did add an extra tsp. of cream of tarter to make sure the juice was thickened. I used the frozen Trader Joe's Puff Pastry with butter. I anticipated that the juice would leak out and be a mess, but it turned out beautifully. It looked georgeous and tasted delicious.

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  • PCOUPER|2008年8月28日

    这让增刊俱乐部我好评如潮for. Using the turbinado sugar on top rather than real sugar makes a big difference.

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