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Andrew Meade



Originally made famous by the Lady M Confections boutique in New York, this ethereal cake is composed of twenty paper-thin crêpes that are layered with a light vanilla-and-orange-scented cream filling. The crêpes meld with the cream, so each forkful melts in your mouth, with the subtle flavors of sweet orange and vanilla lingering behind. The top of the cake is sprinkled with sugar and caramelized with a blow torch just before serving, adding a crackly sweetness to the dessert. Like anything really wonderful, this cake takes some time to make, but once the crêpes and pastry cream are made, assembly is relatively fast. Note that a 10-inch skillet will make an 8-inch crêpe.

此食谱摘自美味. Read ourreview.



  • 7 TBS。(3-1/2盎司)无盐黄油,切成大汤匙
  • 1-1/2杯通用面粉
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • 6 large eggs
  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 1-1/2茶匙。香草精
  • 1/2茶匙。细格栅d orange zest
  • 3/4 cup heavy cream
  • 植物油或融化黄油,用于涂上锅

For the pastry cream filling

  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 6 large egg yolks
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1/4杯玉米淀粉
  • 2汤匙。(1盎司)无盐黄油,分裂
  • 1 vanilla bean, or 1 Tbs. vanilla bean paste or extract


  • 2杯重型奶油
  • 5 Tbs. granulated sugar
  • 1汤匙。Cointreau或Grand Marnier(可选)


Make the crêpes

  • 将黄油放在一个小锅中,用中火煮至融化,然后变成棕色,并有4至6分钟的坚果香气。从火上取下锅。
  • 将面粉,糖和盐放入食品加工机的碗中,然后搅拌直至混合。在一个中等大小的碗中,将鸡蛋,牛奶和香草搅拌均匀,直到混合,然后在运行处理器时逐渐加入面粉混合物。混合直至混合。用橡胶刮刀刮下碗的侧面,然后打开处理器,然后加入橙皮和褐色黄油直至混合。添加奶油和过程,直到融合在一起。将面糊转移到带有倾口的投手或容器中。覆盖容器,将面糊冷藏至少2小时(或最多3天)。不要跳过这一步骤 - 使面糊冷却会使面粉吸收液体和面筋放松。
  • To make the crêpes, take the batter out of the refrigerator and bring it to room temperature (otherwise the crêpes will be too thick). Stir the crêpe batter well to re-blend.
  • 将10英寸的不粘锅放在中火上,使其变热。用少量植物油或融化的黄油刷锅,然后倒入1/4杯薄饼面糊,将锅从一侧到另一侧滚动,均匀地涂上涂层。30秒至1分钟后,薄饼的底部开始变成褐色时,请转动薄饼(我使用长而不粘的偏移铲将其翻转,但是您可以使用硅胶刮刀抬起末端,然后转动crêpe over with your fingers or, if you’re really competent, you can flip it over in the air) and cook on the other side for another 10 to 15 seconds. Place the cooked crêpe on a piece of parchment paper on a plate. Continue cooking the crêpes until all the batter has been used, stacking the crêpes one on top of another as they are finished. You will need 20 perfect crêpes for this cake. Cover and store in the refrigerator until needed. The crêpes can be made 1 day ahead of time; just bring them to room temperature before using.

Make the pastry cream filling

  • In a medium saucepan, bring the milk to a boil over medium heat. Remove from the heat.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and sugar until pale. Sift the cornstarch into the mixture and whisk to combine. Whisk about one-quarter of the milk into the yolk mixture to temper it, then whisk the yolk mixture into the pan with the remaining milk. Cook over medium-high heat, whisking constantly, until the pastry cream thickens and boils. Remove the pan from the heat and whisk in the butter until it is completely melted. Strain the pastry cream through a fine-mesh sieve into a medium stainless steel bowl to remove any lumps. If you are using a vanilla bean, split it lengthwise with a paring knife, scrape out the seeds, and whisk them into the pastry cream (or whisk in the vanilla paste or extract). Prepare an ice bath by filling a larger bowl one-third full with ice and water, then set the bowl of pastry cream in the ice bath and stir frequently until cold. Press a piece of plastic wrap directly onto the surface of the pastry cream to prevent a skin from forming and refrigerate until ready to use.


  • In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whip the cream with 3 Tbs. of the sugar at high speed until it forms soft peaks. Remove the pastry cream from the refrigerator. Whisk it until it is smooth and stir in the Cointreau.
  • 轻轻将三分之一的奶油折叠到糕点奶油中以减轻它。折叠剩余的鲜奶油。
  • Place a crêpe on a cake plate and top with 1/3 cup of the lightened pastry cream, spreading it over the entire crêpe with a small offset metal spatula. Top with another crêpe. Continuing layering the cream and crêpes until you have used 20 crêpes, ending with a crêpe. Refrigerate the cake for at least 4 hours (or up to 24 hours).
  • 上菜前,撒上剩余的2汤匙。在蛋糕上均匀地加糖。通过将丁烷或丙烷火炬传递到蛋糕的顶部,直到糖融化并变成棕色,从而使糖焦糖化。立即服务。




Rate or Review


  • Cubonesmash| 12/11/2021


  • TammyHampel| 02/21/2021

    五星级.....下一个之后只有一口天堂。这是一个耗时的食谱,但每分钟都非常值得。这是我2019年复活节的甜点。Bon Appeto!

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