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Classic Water Bagels

Scott Phillips

屈服:Yields 12 large or 24 mini bagels.

A tight, perfect crumb. Honor it with a smear of cream cheese, a layer of lox, and a thick slice of a juicy, ripe tomato. Be sure to use instant or quick-rise yeast (available in most supermarkets)—not active dry.


For the sponge:

  • 18 oz. (4 cups) unbleached high-gluten flour (or bread flour)
  • 1 tsp. instant or quick-rise yeast
  • 2-1/2 cups lukewarm water (about 70°F)

For the bagel dough:

  • 1/2 tsp. instant or quick-rise yeast
  • About 18 oz. (4 cups) unbleached high-gluten flour (or bread flour); more as needed
  • 3/4 oz. salt (1 to 1-1/2 Tbs., depending on the coarseness)
  • 2茶匙。麦芽粉或1汤匙。麦芽糖浆,蜂蜜或红糖


  • Vegetable oil spray
  • 1汤匙。小苏打
  • 玉米面或紫菜粉
  • Sesame seeds, poppy seeds, kosher salt, finely chopped onions tossed in a little oil, or rehydrated dried minced garlic for topping the bagels

Nutritional Information

  • Nutritional Sample Size per mini bagel
  • Calories (kcal) : 100
  • 脂肪卡路里(KCAL):10
  • Fat (g): 1
  • 饱和脂肪(G):0
  • Polyunsaturated Fat (g): 0.5
  • 单不饱和脂肪(G):0
  • 胆固醇(MG):0
  • Sodium (mg): 390
  • Carbohydrates (g): 18
  • Fiber (g): 1
  • 蛋白质(G):3


To make the sponge:

  • 在4 QT中。碗,混合面粉和1茶匙。酵母。加入水,搅拌或搅拌,直到形成光滑,粘稠的面团(应该厚但面糊)。用保鲜膜盖住,并在室温下留下,直到混合物非常泡沫和起泡,1至2小时。当碗在柜台上轻拍时,它应该膨胀到几乎翻倍,并倒塌。

To make the bagel dough:

  • 在站立的搅拌机碗中(或在搅拌碗中,如果用手揉捏),用1/2茶匙搅拌海绵。酵母。在碗中,将3杯面粉与盐混合。将其与麦芽,蜂蜜或糖一起加入海绵。使用面团钩,以最低的速度混合,或者用手揉捏,在剩余的面粉中缓慢工作,直到面团变硬,干燥,几乎是缎子。您可能需要额外的面粉或剩菜。保持低头揉捏,直到面团非常僵硬,但仍然柔韧,缎面和光滑,大约6分钟或手工15分钟。如果面团骑着钩子,请停止机器,将其拉下来,加一点面粉,然后继续。当机器开始挣扎时,取出面团并用手完成揉捏。此时面团应该比法国面包面团更硬,不应该俗气 - 一只手指戳入面团应该清洁。 There shouldn’t be any visible raw flour, and the dough will feel neither cool nor warm, about 80°F.

  • To check the dough, pinch off a small piece and gently stretch it while turning it. It should form a thin, translucent membrane. If it rips, the dough hasn’t been kneaded enough or else it’s too dry and needs a few drops of water.

  • 把面团分成12件,每个重abo血型ut 4-3/4 oz. for regular bagels. (For mini bagels, divide it into 24 pieces, each weighing just under 2-1/2 oz.) Wipe the counter with a damp towel to remove any flour dust. Shape each piece into a smooth ball by pulling the dough down and around to one point on the bottom and then pinching the bottom closed. Cover with a damp towel and let rest for 20 minutes so the gluten relaxes.

To shape, boil, and bake the bagels:

  • Line two baking sheets with parchment and spray the parchment with vegetable oil.
  • To shape the bagels, poke a hole in the center of each ball of dough with your thumb and then gently rotate the dough around both thumbs, slightly squeezing and stretching the dough little by little as you turn until the hole has enlarged to 1-1/2 to 2 inches. The dough ring should be an even thickness all around.

  • Set the shaped bagels on the prepared pans so they’re 2 inches apart. Mist the bagels very lightly with vegetable oil and cover the pans with plastic (the wrap keeps the dough from developing a skin, which would restrict the rise). Let the bagels sit at room temperature until they swell slightly, by about 15 to 20 percent.

  • After 15 minutes, start doing the “float test” to see if they’re ready to be retarded in the refrigerator: Drop one bagel in the water. If it floats within 10 seconds, the bagels are ready for the overnight rise, or retarding. Pat dry the tester bagel and return it to the pan. (If it doesn’t float within 10 seconds, shake or pat it dry, return it to the pan, and test it again every 10 minutes until it floats.) Refrigerate the pans, still covered, for at least 8 hours, or up to two days.
  • 准备烘烤百吉饼时,将烤箱加热到500°F。将一大锅水煮沸(锅越宽,越好),然后加入小苏打;准备好勺子或撇渣器。从冰箱中取出一锅百吉饼。将羊皮纸和面团一起滑到柜台上。在锅中衬上一片干净的羊皮纸,薄雾和植物油,并撒上玉米面或米橙粉。
  • 将百吉饼轻轻地放入水中(首先哪一侧都没关系),只煮沸了,只能舒适地煮沸;他们应该在10秒内(即使不是立即)漂浮。煮沸1分钟,将它们翻转,然后再煮1分钟。对于非常耐嚼的百吉饼,每侧煮2分钟。

  • 当百吉饼完成烹饪后,用撇渣器将它们抬起,然后将它们放在烤盘上,用玉米面或Semolina将其放在顶部。如果您要在百吉饼上撒上芝麻或罂粟籽,犹太盐,切碎的洋葱或碎大蒜,请立即进行。(我喜欢种子和盐的组合;与盐一起明智。)

  • When the bagels on the first pan are boiled and topped, bake for 10 minutes, rotate the pan for even browning, and then continue baking until golden brown on top and bottom and very firm, about another 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven and transfer the bagels to a cooling rack. Let cool for at least 10 minutes. Meanwhile, remove the second pan of bagels from the fridge and boil and bake them the same way.

肉桂 - 葡萄球菌百吉饼:Increase the yeast in the bagel dough (not the sponge) to 1 tsp., and add 1 Tbs. ground cinnamon and 5 Tbs. sugar in with the flour. At the start of mixing, add 1-1/2 to 2 loosely packed cups raisins, rinsed with warm water and well dried (to wash off surface sugar, acid, and wild yeast). For a cinnamon sugar crust, after baking, brush the bagels with melted butter and dip in cinnamon sugar while they’re still hot.


Look for malt syrup at natural food商店under the name barley malt syrup and for malt powder at beer-making supply shops or through baking catalogs.


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评论(11 reviews)

  • Missin44| 08/01/2020

    @Shoutingman食谱是正确的,不到2.25磅的面粉。我的建议是获得厨房秤并权衡您的食材,尤其是面粉和水。我总是使用克,但盎司会做。2.5杯水= 20盎司或567克。您只需一半的食谱即可制作6个百吉饼。

    These are pretty big bagels.

  • 大喊| 06/28/2020


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