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Spiced “Pumpkin” Fritters with Chocolate Sauce and Candied Pepitas

西蒙(Shimon)和塔玛·罗斯特(Tammar Rothstein)


认为这些南瓜饼甜甜圈。我需要to say more? Oh, with chocolate sauce and candied, spiced pepitas. I actually find fried desserts to be great for dinner parties. You can do the prep ahead and still get that wow factor at the table— I mean, who doesn’t like pumpkin pie and doughnuts? You will notice that these “pumpkin” fritters are actually made using winter squash. I find real pumpkin to often be very watery and lacking in flavor so I prefer the richness and sweetness of squash such as kabocha or butternut.




  • 1/2 kabocha or butternut squash, about 1 lb.
  • 1/4杯全牛奶
  • 2 tsp. dry yeast
  • 3杯通用面粉
  • 1茶匙kosher salt
  • 1-1/2茶匙。地面肉桂
  • 1/2茶匙。姜粉
  • 1/4茶匙。ground cardamom
  • 1/8茶匙。新鲜磨碎的肉豆蔻
  • 1/8茶匙。丁香粉
  • 4 Tbs. (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, melted, plus a little for the bowl
  • 1extra-large egg
  • 2/3杯深褐色的糖
  • 1/2茶匙。纯香草提取物
  • 1cup granulated sugar
  • 2 to 3 quarts vegetable oil, for frying
  • 1cup Chocolate Sauce
  • 1/2杯蜜饯

For the chocolate sauce

  • 3盎司。68%黑巧克力
  • 3汤匙。糖
  • 1/4杯优质不加糖的可可粉

For the candied pepitas

  • 1/4茶匙。小茴香种子
  • 2 tsp. unsalted butter
  • 1/2杯生南瓜种子
  • 1汤匙。糖
  • 大方捏每种犹太盐,肉桂,新鲜磨碎的肉豆蔻和丁香
  • 1茶匙蜂蜜



  • Heat the oven to 400°F.
  • Cut the squash in half lengthwise, and place on a baking sheet cut- side up. (Don’t remove the seeds yet; they give extra flavor.) Cover with foil, and roast for about 1 hour, until very tender. Let cool for 10 minutes, and then scoop out the seeds and discard them. Purée the warm squash through a ricer or food mill, and measure out 1/2 cup. (You can reheat any leftover purée, season it with salt, pepper, and butter, and eat it for dinner!)
  • 在一个大碗中,将1/4杯水和牛奶加热到体温。在整个表面均匀地撒上酵母,使酵母盛开10至15分钟。
  • 搅拌面粉,盐,1/2茶匙。肉桂和其他香料一起撒在盛开的酵母上。在中心做一井,放在一旁。
  • Combine the squash purée, butter, egg, brown sugar, and vanilla, and pour into the well of the dry ingredients. Fold together with a rubber spatula until incorporated; be careful not to overmix the batter, or the fritters will be tough. (Some specks of flour are OK.)
  • Lightly brush a large bowl with melted butter. Scrape batter into the bowl, and flip the batter upside down, so that all sides are covered with a little of the melted butter. Cover with plastic, and allow the batter to rise in a warm, draft- free place for about 1 hour, until doubled in size.


  • Chop the chocolate into small chunks, and place it in a large bowl.
  • 在平底锅中,将糖与2/3杯水混合,然后煮沸。
  • Add the cocoa powder to the boiling water, and whisk to combine. Bring to a boil again, whisking constantly, and then immediately pour the water over the chopped chocolate, and let it sit for 1 minute to melt the chocolate. Whisk together until combined, working from the inside out, to emulsify the mixture. Cool to room temperature.


  • 用中火在一个小锅中烤茴香种子2至3分钟,直到种子释放出香气并浅褐色。将它们砸在砂浆中。
  • 用中火在茴香锅中融化黄油。加入南瓜种子和糖,然后将盐和香料撒在上面。将南瓜种子扔掉,用黄油很好地覆盖它们,然后煮几分钟,直到它们开始弹出并稍微涂上颜色。
  • Turn off the heat, and wait for 30 seconds. Add the honey, tossing well to coat the pumpkin seeds. Spread on a plate, and let them cool.


  • 面糊的尺寸增加一倍后,让它在冰箱中至少休息1小时,然后在准备好炸时将其放到室温。(将冰箱中的面糊冷却会发展出风味,并产生更多的嫩油漆。)
  • 将1杯砂糖与剩余的1茶匙结合在一起。肉桂在一个大碗中,放在一边。
  • 将油在厚重的宽底锅中用中火加热到350°F。
  • sc起堆积的面糊,然后用第二个勺子将圆形勺子推入热油。不要拥挤锅;油条不应该感动。炸2至3分钟,直到四面都在深金黄色。
  • 在纸巾上排干油条,然后拍打以除去多余的油。当它们仍然很热时,将油条扔在碗中加肉桂 - 糖混合物。将油条堆放在盘子上,或在六个甜点板之间分开。淋上3/4杯巧克力酱,撒上蜜饯pepitas,并在侧面供应剩余的巧克力酱,以浸入。


摘录A.O.C.食谱苏珊娜·戈因(Suzanne Goin)。版权所有©2013 by Suzanne Goin。经兰克斯有限责任公司Knopf的许可摘录。版权所有。未经出版商的书面许可,本摘录的任何部分都不得复制或重印。




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