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This gingerbread is super moist with a dense crumb. Because it cooks at such a low temperature, the baking soda must be activated by the acid in the molasses and…

  • Buttermilk Cornbread for Stuffing

  • 茄子和西葫芦蜜饯


  • 茴香和洋葱蜜饯


  • 绿色辣椒和奶酪墨西哥果酱

    成分列表非常灵活,选择世界卫生大会tever cheeses and herbs you like and then garnish with almost any tasty leftovers. The important thing is to arrange all the…

  • 牙龈蔓越莓珍珠tar


  • 德国黄油蛋糕

    A perfect partner for a cup of coffee, German Butter Cake gets its character from sour cream, butter, and sliced almonds.

  • 柠檬辣椒奶酪硬币


  • 枫木玻璃玻璃火鸡配野生米与玉米面包馅和波旁威士忌肉汁

    Before roasting the turkey, we lay a few bacon strips on the breast, which keeps the meat moist and adds an edge of smoke. Cider and diced pears cook down…

  • Marinated Olives


  • Olive Oil-Braised Collards

    You can cook these greens a day ahead and reheat them on the big day. I like to serve them with hot pepper vinegar.

  • 烤港口和大蒜汉堡


  • 雪利酒和扁面条的雪利酒武器

  • 酸奶油和土豆甜面团


  • Sweet Tartlet Dough

    This buttery crust is easy to handle, can be made ahead, and is a cinch to mold into standard medium-size muffin tins. For fillings, you can choose from pumpkin, pecan,…

  • 鲑鱼,蘑菇和莳萝蛋饼


  • 红薯与辣根

    This casserole can be baked ahead and reheated in the microwave at the last minute, thus freeing the overburdened Thanksgiving oven.

  • 虾配鸡尾酒酱和香菜香蒜酱


  • 菠菜,山羊奶酪和辣椒乳蛋饼

    我喜欢将这种乳蛋饼搭配,伴随着一堆菠菜叶沙拉,穿着葱醋。您可以用像Brin d'Amour这样的好绵羊的牛奶奶酪替代…

  • Sautéed Apples

  • 野生米饭和玉米面包馅与梨和蔓越莓

    This all-American stuffing combines southern cornbread, New England dried cranberries, and wild rice from the Great Lakes.

  • 经典晚餐卷

  • Cabbage, Leek & Bacon Tart

    This is a great cool-weather tart. The flavors of the leeks, Savoy cabbage, and bacon go so well together, and they can also enjoy the company of a variety of…

  • 卷心菜苹果蜜饯


  • Apple Brown Betty


  • 苹果泥

  • Alsatian Onion Tart


  • Apple Crisp


  • Portabella'Pizzas'与pancetta,洋葱,鼠尾草和帕玛森

    A great way to serve portabellas is to stuff them. Truth be told, the cap of a portabella, though large, is not very deep. What you really end up with…

  • Portabella'Pizzas'与白豆,迷迭香,西红柿和丰田

    A great way to serve portabellas is to stuff them. Truth be told, the cap of a portabella, though large, is not very deep. What you really end up with…

  • Portabella'Pizzas'配香肠,橄榄,晒干的西红柿和奶油

    A great way to serve portabellas is to stuff them. Truth be told, the cap of a portabella, though large, is not very deep. What you really end up with…

  • Pecan Tartlets

    This miniaturized version of pecan pie is neither cloyingly sweet nor overly gooey. It’s simply crunchy toasted pecans sprinkled over a mouthwatering brown sugar filling. Since these tarts only require…

  • 南瓜t

    You might want to garnish these with whipped cream and perhaps a very thin strip of orange zest, twisted into a knot. Since these tarts only require 1/3 of the dough…

  • Pulling Together a Stellar Thanksgiving

  • Shaping Dinner Rolls to Look and Taste Their Best

    Tips for making light, uniformly shaped, classic dinner rolls

  • Riesling Is a Thanksgiving Crowd-Pleaser

    Wine experts recommend their favorites

  • 刮去ill以保持调味料吸引人

    The gills of portabella mushrooms are perfectly edible—in fact, they'll add great mushroom flavor to stocks—but they'll turn anything you cook with them an unappealing grayish brown, so it pays…

  • 使用切割板,更多的更好

    Having a few on hand makes food prep safer and more efficient

  • 烘烤家用苹果甜点


  • Deliciously Tender Vegetable Compotes


  • 肉类的portabellas做饭


  • 完善一条面包

    参观加利福尼亚州雷耶斯角(Point Reyes)站的一家手工面包店,乍得·罗伯逊(Chad Robertson)和他的妻子伊丽莎白·普鲁特(Elizabeth Prueitt)在那里准备痛苦的痛苦au levain,这是一种传统的酸面团,上面有天然起动器。

  • 快速的墨西哥辣椒和绿色智利踢

    Quesadillas are simultaneously comforting (think grilled cheese sandwich) and exciting (think zingy salsa and fragrant cilantro). A quesadilla is also remarkably quick. Martha Holmberg's version makes a tasty light meal.

  • Getting to Know Manchego and other Spanish Cheeses

    莎拉·杰伊(Sarah Jay)说,来自西班牙的手工奶酪正在进入美国市场,但Manchego仍然是重新激怒的国王。了解有关这种温和奶酪的更多信息(以及在哪里…

  • The Classic Quiche is Back


  • 一个简单的面团中的三个甜面包


  • Sole and Scallop Timbales

    Layers of sole and scallop mousse baked in a mold—topped with a satiny sauce and a dab of caviar—make a knockout first course

  • 烘烤酥脆的披萨和面包和烤石

    A baking stone, or pizza stone, is a natural clay tile that's been kiln-fired at a high temperature. This short article gives you three reasons for using one.

  • 选择和使用香草豆

    If you want the purest, most intense vanilla flavor in your recipes, use whole vanilla beans. In this article, Molly Stevens explains how to choose and store the beans, and…

  • 发酵粉与小苏打

    Two common leavening agents—baking soda and baking powder—have similar names and similar roles, but they also have significant differences. In this short article, Molly Stevens explains how they work and…

  • 马达加斯加的香草包装大风味

    艾米·阿尔伯特(Amy Albert)评论马达加斯加(Madagascar)的香草(Madagascar Ground Vanilla),这是香草提取物和香草豆的替代品。

  • Choosing a Good Head of Garlic

    露丝·诺索诺维茨(Ruth Nosonowitz)解释了大蒜的种植方式,如何在市场上选择好的灯泡以及一旦您回家,如何将其保持新鲜。

  • Sweet, Tangy Cultured Butter from Vermont Butter & Cheese Company

    屡获殊荣的Chèvre和CrèmeFraîche的制造商Vermont Butter&Cheese Company已揭露了一款出色的新产品Vermont Cultured Butter。莫莉·史蒂文斯(Molly Stevens)讨论了厨师的美德。

  • 海德伦·米德(Heidrun Mead)是手工制作的气泡

    艾米·阿尔伯特(Amy Albert)评论海德伦(Heidrun)闪闪发光的干米德(Mead),这可能是世界上唯一由发酵蜂蜜和水制成的自然起泡饮料。

  • 丰盛的肉酱,用于大秋天晚餐

    Browning, deglazing, reducing the liquid, and simmering are the four steps to the sumptuous sauce called ragù

  • 基本咸酸面团


  • 俄罗斯巧克力编织


  • 肉桂菊花


  • 苹果饼

    When the first few nights turn chilly, all thoughts go to baking—and apples. These turnovers are a classic guaranteed to fill your kitchen with the homey smells of fall. You…

  • 亚洲腌制的portabella'牛排'

    Serve this full-flavored portabella "steak" with jasmine rice and greens tossed with some of the marinade. Seared baby bok choy is also a nice accompaniment.

  • Sole&Scallop Mousseline的Timbales与Chive Beurre Blanc


  • Beef Ragù Chiantigiana


  • Calabrese Pork Ragù with Fennel

    Pancetta, cured Italian bacon, is becoming available at many supermarkets; you’ll also find it at specialty stores and in Italian markets.



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